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Twiggy Vision Ranking Battle 1.2 - July 26-27-28-29

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Well the first one was a complete success! Kudos to everyone who came! Like before, all coordination will take place on #Twiggyvision (#Twiggyvision on Efnet) IRC Channel for all matches. This time there is a new format! In addition to 1 new game2 new games, King of Fighters 2002 and Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire! The turn out on 2k2both games will determine if it is brought back for 1.3. The new format is as followed, but all games are still going to be Round Robin.


Round Robin Matches, Unless noted otherwise. Start time is 5 PM EST Thursday & Friday, 3 PM EST Saturday and ending the following Sunday at 5 PM EST

Day 1: KoF2002 & Vampire Savior 2 Rankings

Day 2: Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Rankings

Day 3 & 4: For anyone who did not have their matches

Day 4: Rankings Finalized at 5 PM EST


Now I find these pretty fair and going on how most of the 3s rankings happened on Day 1, which was pretty damn good. Syn & myself are going to be recording some matches as well. You can catch them on the offical 1emuTube channel.


Also some small informantion on 1.3. 1.3 will be held August 2-3-4-5 following this exact same format unless stated otherwise.


If you scroll down a bit, you'll see 1.1 rankings and some new links. We are switching to Mame Plus! Plus! 0.117 because it offers greater stability in both CPS3 and in recording matches. Once again, you are expected to find the roms yourself. A small schedule of 1.3 to 1.5 will be at the near end of the post.


Hope for a good turn out for both 2k2 and VS. I expect those who entered 3s to return! As usual, sign ups are per post or by IMing me personally or via magproxy.





New Thread, new ranbat.

Removed VS2 - 7/21


Note: All participents are expected to find their own roms and chds for Street Fighter III: Third Strike and King of Fighters 2002. We are set on using the latest version of Mame Plus! Plus! (0.117) and either the normal kaillera client or Supraclient as an alternative for match ups.


Remember to post your winnings or report to me on IRC! Or else they won't count towards your overall!


Round Robin format, ranked by most wins. A bye doesn't count towards the final score.

Points = pts

1st - 12 pts

2nd - 10 pts

3rd - 8 pts

4th - 6 pts

5th – 4 pts

6th - 2 pts

7th/8th - 1 pts


3s - Final Ranking for 1.1!:

1. Outcast.......12 pts

2. AxL.............10 pts

3. SyN............8 pts

3. Magnis........8 pts

4. Dmac..........6 pts

4. SprigganX....6 pts

5. Hibachi.........4 pts

5. GameCop.....4 pts

6. exzapel........2 pts

6. Mooney........2 pts


Rules of Play for all games;

Games are 2 out of 3 Matches

No Timelimit

No Cheating of any kind

Winners must post the character(s) they used.

Winners must stick to these characters in the 2/3 Format unless they lose, in which they are allowed to switch characters, if they win with a new character, they must stick with that character.

Winners must stick with their appointed character in the round-robin format.


Recommended Servers Listing:


TerraOnline EmuServer -

Anti3d Server -

DaRoms EmuLinker Server Texas -

Emularena Grounds - {Unit X} -

GodWeapon's Best of the Best EmuLinker Server -



Ranbat 1.3 - August 2 to 5

Ranbat 1.4 August 16 to 19

Season Finale - Twiggy Battle Opera (Ranbat 1.5) - August 30 - September 2


Tournament Director: Wizard

Co-Director: Magnis

Video Director: SyN

Produced by Wizardmobile


This post is the participant-post. It will show all the participiants for 1.2 per game. This will be updated accordingly.


King of Fighters 2002










Street Fighter III: 3rdStrike












Yeah that's no problem.


When i get back home, im going to try and get this to work again. If it does, then you can Put me down for KOF and 3rd Strike.

Posted (edited)

Sweet man, throw a k2o tag after my name, if you don't mind. I wasn't thinking about it when I created the account.


Oh, and take me out of Vampire Savior man, I've never played, lol.

Edited by Tricks73r

Yeah all fixed dude, I was a little off when I was updaing that.


Updated with removal of Vamp2.

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