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OP = Original Poster?


Although most people will refer as topic creator, TP.


I always thought OP meant Original Poster. My face would be red if it turned out I just made something so stupid up myself ;) .


Edit: How does TP = Topic Creator?


Well whatever the case, it seems as if Davis was exaggerating or joking a bit, but my point still stands, I'm not as furious with Sega as Davis, just a little frustrated about the situation, and the games that they have been releasing.

OP = Original Poster?


Although most people will refer as topic creator, TP.

Yes, it stands for original poster.


Your all saying you like certain era's of Sega. I like all the era's up to the destruction of Dreamcast!! But that's the thing! As of late all the stuff there making sucks, I can't stand it anymore, I want them to come back in full force and do what every one thought/thinks impossible, just like they did against Nintendo. No one thought Nintendo could be fought against, and then boom, Sega stroke a cord in that. I want them to do the same again, against Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft.


Ftm, atm, Sega is trash.


Also, I'll stay a child forever *flies in circles* weeeeeee


Well it does have some good arcade games at the moment, so its not all dead. I played Let's Go Jungle for the first time a few days ago and loved it.


They might not have the financial resource to stage a console comeback, but see what a competitive and expensive business that is. Sony and Microsoft, 2 of the wealthiest corporations on Earth are struggling to succeed in it and Nintendo is having to cut back hard- where before its hardware has been pretty superior to the competition across the board, even they are having to resort to alternative methodologies in order to stand shoulder to shoulder with the big guns.


Sega probably doesnt find the console market feasible, but it is putting some good stuff out nonetheless. I agree recent Sonic entries are trash, but I cant say Sega is failing in every respect.

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