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July 20th, 2007

Beta u20 Released


- Added some enhanced joystick navigation using a combination of a pressed down button (whatever is mapped as BUTTON 1 in windows) plus a direction (up/down/left/right). I added what I felt were the more useful keyboard commands so you can have more functionality if your keyboard isn't immediately available (while using a cabinet, for instance). All buttons pressed that are not "BUTTON 1" will launch the game as before. Specific bindings are listed in MLREADME.TXT.


- Hopefully fixed a bug which made it impossible to select your font properly in some cases.


- Added "mac2bios" (Multi Amenity Cassette System 2 BIOS) to the list of games which show up on the master game list, but have no roms. This is a case similar to the way PONG might be added. This also exposed a bug being able to select a game added in this manner. This comes with the change in MAME behavior of BIOS sets now (as of 0.117u1) being listed on the master game list.


- Fixed the display message when adding/deleting favorites - it was being overwritten by FONT information display when loading favorites.

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