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I would rather Volunteer since its kind of hard to run away to Canada nowadays.


It might be better because (dunno) You might be able to choose what you want to be rather than going into the front lines :ph34r:


War is bad...


Very Very bad...


I would defently live in some fields someware before i went to war....


My mother works and looks after old people and one of the guys is 91!


He was in the regular english army he toured africa and moved into italy on his tour of duty, he lost a lot of close freinds... [WW2]


And some of the storys wore really gruesome :ph34r:


Que funky music...


War what is it good for!!




Hu ba de baaa doop bop!


I've been thinking of joining the army since I was 18, my only interest is a special forces unit. (I've been bugged quite a bit by some officers I know on base to enlist, but none of my friends/family want me to do it....and I'm unsure myself if it's what I want. Though it would pay for the edcation I want.)

Given war to the point where I WAS needed, I'd have no problem gearing up and shipping out.


In israel, you have to join the army, because we are on war all the time. However, you only have to serve for 3 years (2 for wemen), and you don't have to be a fighter. After that, you sometimes called for reserves.


I don't like the idea of a draught but thats only because in the right circumstance I believe I would volunteer anyway.


I would not go in fight in a conflict which Britain created (eg Iraq) but if someone invaded my country then I wouldn't hesitate to fight.


since thos thing are exist ther will be war untel the end of the worled (i think the end is near) thos thing are:



3:dont know how to say it (my eng. is bad ) but its that you like your self and your family name and you think you are the best and every one else is nothing and note compare to your powr.(hope you all understand what i say)

for my self if i on a war i want to fight the america gov. (iam in ksa and all of pepole in ksa hate america you all may note know but usa gov. hate ksa very mush but usa gov. cant do anything to ksa (they trid in the past and ksa stoped oil to america and asked all arab contris to stop oil to usa )i think usa want to fight arab contris one by one untel one is left and this one is ksa. hay gays ksa is the stongist contry in all medil east not because of big and stonge army but because that the army want to die in a war so usa dont dare to fight ksa in the near futer)

sory if any one mad at me but that what i think :ph34r:

note:ksa is kigdom saudi arabia :D


I actually saw a movie about this, "Bowling from Columbine", it talks about this and I suggest others to rent it since it clearly explains this kind of stuff also. :D


EDIT: Oh and I would probabally go with Emsley on this. :ph34r:

  GameCop said:
I actually saw a movie about this, "Bowling from Columbine", it talks about this and I suggest others to rent it since it clearly explains this kind of stuff also. :P


EDIT: Oh and I would probabally go with Emsley on this. :(

who want the war???

i do agree war is bad but when the need for it we have to war even we dont like it


war is a natural thing. all lifeforms on this planet take part in war, whatever the reason. war is part of life. one cant just say, "Bye-bye.", to war, and expect everything, thereafter, to be peaches and cream. without war, we would just be a bunch of hairless monkeys. on second thought, we probably wouldnt even be that much. :( and what about all the other animals on this planet? yes, we are animals too, and we are all here because of war. it isnt pretty, but, its the truth. the most we can hope for is a healthy balance of both war and peace, but war aint goin nowhere. ;):P


war, i don´t like it, it just exists as a proof of how evil mankind is, the darkside of man, on one hand we can accomplish amazing things, on the other we destroy everything on our reach, good people and bad people everywhere so who would you be killing, the good ones almost for sure while the evil ones are the ones behind it and be sure they won´t get killed even if defeated, the how about the evil ones on your own country, would you do sth to them, nah probably not,cause you would be breaking the law and for sure you wil be a murder and then why is it good to kill at war? to defend yourself? from whom? and the ones from the other side? to defend theirselves too? heh pretty bullshit of exvuse and name for just murdering people


war will always exist. its existance has little to do with "the darkside of man"... we just gave it a name. good? evil? these two words have no meaning what so ever in the greater scheme of things. they are words based on opinion that just over shadow the reality of it all. is the wolf, that chases down the rabbit, evil? no, ofcourse not. he is only doing so in order to survive. its the same reason that the rabbit runs. survival, of one's self, is one of two basic motivations held by every single living thing on this planet. so, one may ask, how does this relate to humans, and the wars we create and take part in? we too are animals, and like the wolf and rabbit, we are also driven by this same goal... to survive. whatever the reason, be it religion, government, or something as simple as hunger. when one is threatened, there are two options. one can either run, or fight. when both sides of a conflict choose to fight, you then have war. even if you were to rid the world of religion, government, money, etc. everything that fuels the human race's motivations for war... war would still exist, and, it will do so, long after we are gone.

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