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I am building a FBA-XXX Skin based on XBMC Project Mayhem III

and got a question for you - the developers:


How do I remove the L and R labels from the screen?

(The ones who show that I need to press left or right triggers to change to

the other systems)


I tried removing from the XML code, but they don't disappear from the screen.


I have on my skins folder the ORIGINAL FOLDER and MY NEW ONE.

Should I delete the original and keep only my mod version?

This affects in something the behavior of the skin?





2 ways of doing that :


1) edit the sources, edit ui_logo.cpp, you can find it in the function : void ui_logo::DrawLogo2(bool GameInfo)


2) disable all the menus, you will have only one menu likke the original fbax.

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