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Heyyy guys i'm the 8 year old lil Wiz and i'm here to say PLEASE help me with this !! i need a good CPS3 emulator but i'm not finding a good one...(i got one and it gave me a virus never trust a mexican that says heyy u want to get an emulator? Si) No offensive to spanish people. (ur cool) also How big is the Street Fighter Rom? Because i need them and the ones i got are stupid and are about 2 mbs. (and how do i configure it to play games? Thanks and Peace


Mame or CPS3 Emulator.


SFIII:3rd Strike is 64 MB and the CHD is 64MB i think.


Okay i downloaded the nebula emulator but...here's the thing where do i put the rom? thanks(does it need to be zipped?)


Yes, the rom needs to be zipped. You put the romset in whatever folder you want, then edit CPS3Emulator.ini and change the first line under [RomDirs] to point to whatever folder you put the romset in.


I thought we had an age restriction...

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