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MameLoad tng u21 released


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ML TNG Release Notes


July 31st, 2007

Beta u21 Released


- Added support for COMMAND.DAT (Shorthand version).

This can be obtained from: http://home.comcast.net/~plotor/command.html

Contents of this file are listed when you use Complete DATA Check (F3).

You'll notice that all the special colored symbols for this .DAT file should be supported.


- With this change, I introduced some control over your on-screen display.

You can adjust the colors for your FONT and BORDER. The command line triggers "FONTCOLOR" and "BORDCOLOR" will only accept 6-digit RRGGBB Color Values (EG. FONTCOLORffffff). Once changed, this color info will save with other data in FAVORITE.ML so your change will keep.


- Added some new commands which were introduced in 0.117u1 (joystick_map, mouse_device, multikeyboard, multimouse). Please note that those commands will not work with 0.117! Support to be corrected when the next major release happens.

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