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becus25, author of the Increasing Edition (IE) series of PSP Custom Firmwares has left the scene. There was some hope he would adopt the mantle of Dark_AleX after he left, but it seems M33 has since stolen that spotlight.


I never used any of his firmwares but this is still a loss for the scene. Anyone think M33's recent roasting of his efforts had anything to do with this?



Source: becus25's blog.


Ok, Sony HAS to have something to do with this. ;) Damn... now I guess we're stuck with M33's buggy CFWs...

Ok, Sony HAS to have something to do with this. :) Damn... now I guess we're stuck with M33's buggy CFWs...


Well his recent IE 'updates' shared all of M33's quirks and bugs anyway.


Seems to me Dark Alex's OE series is still the least buggy CF out there :)

Pity he left the scene

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