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lol. I knew I recognized you from somewhere.

mame.net forums. ^^


Do you mind sharing some info? Error messages? Anything else other than 'it just doesn't work'

Btw, most places won't help you, MAME32k .64 is like 5 years old.


The most likely answer is that his romset are too new for the emulator. MAME32K 0.64 is older than ancient. Then again, I'm just guessing because of the lack of details.


Not that the most recent MAME version is 0.118, which is lightyears away from 0.64.


Oh, ah sorry for the lack of info. Well i get a message that im missing some files. I've tried redownloading but still nothing. CPS2 games used to work last time i installed before i reformatted.


Also if your wondering why im using such an old version its because everyone uses it on kalliera so yea.


You need to find a site offering the proper roms for it. Don't ask for them here. That's pretty much the only thing you can do.

You need to find a site offering the proper roms for it. Don't ask for them here. That's pretty much the only thing you can do.


What do you mean proper roms?


Find the romsets that actually have the files that are reported as missing by the MAME you're using. Good luck with this though. Like has been said, MAME32K .64 is very old, romsets change fairly frequently.


Hah I answered his mame.net thread


If he's downloaded a romset from an up-to-date rom site, then he's missing the xors.


Technically xors aren't roms and aren't copyright, but still it's not hard to find them, as both xor sites are still available.


Well yeah, MAME 0.64 needs XORs, and most romsites do not carry those now that the CPS-2 encryption s broken.


Well, many of the sites didn't carry XORs in the past either.

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