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AppleWin 1.14.0 (beta) released


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Apple II emulator


1.14.0 - 8 Aug 2007 (beta)




* Super Serial Card: PR#2 & IN#2 now working

* Full support for Peripheral Expansion ROM (at $C800) & $CFFF access

* F2 (Power-cycle) when ROM is switched *out* caused Apple to freeze




* Attempt to use drive1's image name as the name for the .aws file

* Added Apple//e (original 6502 version with "Venetian Blinds" self-test)

* Turbo mode via Scroll Lock (temporary or toggle mode) - selectable via UI




* Mouse Interface card support in slot 4 (selectable via UI)

* Full 6821 emulation & 2K ROM. Based on code by Kyle Kim (Apple in PC)

* Tested with: Dazzle Draw, Blazing Paddles, Archon II: Adept, Orge[Fix], Dragon Wars

>> Get it HERE.

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