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I hadn't until about 30 minutes ago. It's like emunoobs; it points out the mistakes that us poor news posters can make. They had the temerity to attack our beloved Wizard over his reporting of the ID software being steamed HERE.





In holy-cow jee-wilikers news, 1Emulation.com's Wizard like totally missed the actual emulation part on the latest iD Software, Inc. games being put on the Valve Corporation's Steam download service.


Like how do you miss the part where iD Software was so cheap/lazy that they used freaking DOSBox wrappers for their decade+plus releases.

Like, how do you blow this news post so badly?????


Actual emulation news basically being handed to you, and don`t even mention the valid part related to the site :lol:

For shame. I thought we were like best buds, best gringos, best moochachos.....you.....you guys.


I must leave now, the, the memories are simply to much for me to bear.................................................sayonara epsilon.

Here is the URL of their site -> http://emu-lmao.tripod.com/


What do you think?


The facts that the entire site looks like it was designed by noobs and is hosted on Tripod awards massive fail.


I scrolled down and read a bit of it, sounds like a geek who never got much attention from his parents or the one or two friends he managed to get in school.


The similarities between dog dodo and your writing are uncanny.


Waaa it's supposed to say c***!!! Not count :(. It sounds so pathetic now.


Damn you Gc!!! damn you!!!


I had to make a completely different line...


I don't give rat's ass to these guys. If they want to attack me, fine. But in my defense it wasn't revealed until much later AFTER I posted the news that people found out about the DOSBox thing, which was fixed practically moments afterwards (moments as in a few hours later).


I know their reading this, and this goes out directly to them. Since you FAILED to read the post time markings. Failures at emulation kthxbai lololollolo. flocking scrubs.


Edit: What the hell is a LAMO? Isn't it LAME-O?


double edit: I also have a huge cock.


What a professional looking site. lol, tripod. It's like something from 1997 with flocking blinking tags and what not.


I could design a better site with my eyes closed, on crack (Which I've never tried btw, so I'd assume it would f**k me up LARGE!), while whacking off with honey on both hands (I've never tried that either, but I'd assume it would make using one or more hands for anything rather difficult) listening to classical or country music (Both of which hurt my ears).


I could also come up with wittier comments than the crap on that site, without even putting any effort into it. If my wit was that shallow, I'd have my IQ tested and myself institutionalized for lack of HA-HA!

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