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IMPORTANT: agree with LICENSE.TXT conditions before installing the program.


Changes in M33-4 (mainly bugfix)


- Fixed the bug that caused CRC error when writing to flash usb in the XMB. Now writing

is OK.

- Added the new speeds to vshmenu and core, because we forgot in recovery.


AS we didnn’t want to release a new update without something new, we worked in making

3.10/3.11 to work with popsloader, and that’s it, the new popsloader plugins supports them.

Instruction for 3.10 and 3.11 are same as 3.30: you need pops.prx, popsman.prx and pafmini.prx

with the correct names in popsloader directory. And remember that savedata of 3.10-3.30 are incompatible

with those of 3.40+. We’ll research if a solution for this is possible.


Team M33



As for yankee paranoids, a little word about the “brickers” issue.

We repeat it again: THERE IS NO MALICIOUS CODE inside M33.

Some of the files of this update are protected by encryption schemes to protect ourselves

from that page that annoys homebrew developers.

The keys for the decryption: the own update file.

So if the file is changed, the decrypted data is not the original one, and this causes the

wrong data to be written. There is no way you can call this malicious code as there is no explicit

code to brick nothing, it is the corruption of the update what actually causes the bad decrypted

data to be written.


Anyways in this update we check if decrypted data is wrong and in that case we write a recovery

warning the user what happened. It will activate usb, and it will allow you to execute a recovery


which is not at sight of an hex editor :punk:

Source and Downloads: m-33.narod.ru

Alternate TRUSTED Site: eXophase


As usual, you choose to install this custom firmware update AT YOUR OWN RISK. Always remember that there is a slight chance your PSP could become bricked.

what does it mean if a psp becomes bricked?

It means the PSP will no longer turn on or function at all... it essentially becomes a brick (or a paperweight, if you prefer).

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