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It was surely a damned boss which may be placed in the same group of Ruby Weapon.... (at least for me)


His damned attack which killed you in just one blow caused me a lot of troubles. The true is I didn't know what the hell to do... I didn't read the walkthrough or guide either. Afterwards, I started to check the special cards I had in my collection ... I put a lot of effort to win cards overcoming the plus rule.


I exchanged Laguna's for 100 heroes... and it worked for beating him! even though it just works for a while...


but I did it!


Are you taking about Ultima Weapon or Omega Weapon. Ultima Weapon is farily easy to kill even without Hero or Holy War, but it involves a bit of luck and keeping Squall in critical.


Omega however, is another matter. A few Holy Wars or a bunch of Heroes recommended.


I never beat him, wasn't skilled enough to defeat him. The problem was that I was too much of a perfectionist and I only wanted to beat ultima weapon for that last GF but in order to do so I needed to convert Laguna's card into 100 heroes. A catch 22 situation for me.


Of course, both Weapons (and well as every other enemy in the game) will succumb to Selphie's The End, if one is willing to risk such a gamble.


I didn't have to give up any of my cards to take down the Ultima Weapon- one well placed Lion Heart limit was enough to do that.


The holy wars were needed for Omega though so I just saved beforehand.


Hell, Omega can take quite a few Lionhearts before going down. It's not even funny anymore. Ultima just needs one.


Is that really good LionHeart limit??--- :blink: I'm stucked in the third disk when the main characters wants to take her out of some lab... my psx doesn't play the fmv . :angry:


I'm shocked since someone of you said that Ultima weapon was easy to beat.... (the one who is located underground in order to get EDEN GF --- ) how did you avoid those powerful blasts which killed you in just one blow??? I mean, if you want to use some of those limits... don't you need to have hp in first place? (maybe I just need to read the ff8 guide, but I just use them when I give up... and the only games which had oblied me to do that were TombRaider games! -------- :shootem:






Yes, Utima and Omrga Weapon's Light Pilalr attack is indeed a killer move. The only exception to this is that Ultima Weapon's version does 9998 damage to a character with 255 VIT, while Omega's kills outright at lv.100. Of course, since Final Fantasy VIII uses a Parallel Level system , you don't have to be at lv.100 to beat either of the Weapons (Not to mention that Oega uses Lv.5 Death, which kills an even-leveld characters with 100 Death junctioned).


Omega does have Megido Flame with does 9998 damage like Ultima's Light Pillar but hits all characters. Nice. As a plus, Omega is insanely fast.


As far as Ultima Weapon goes, the trick is to simply defeat Ultima so fast that he either doesn't get the chance to use Light Pillar, or takes one members out with it. . One takes a turn drawing Eden, and Squall spams Renzokuken in the hopes of invoking Lionheat. The chances of Lionheart activating are a lot higher when all the party members are nearly dead or two of them are already KO'd. If Light Pilalr hits the "wrong" person, then just revive himher ASAP with a Phoenix Down/Life (not Full-Life).


Also, it really helps if your party enters the Underground Research Lab with Squall in critical status already, or then you'll have to see it it that Squall gets beaten badly enough on the way down to meet Ultima Weapon (which shouldn't be too hard since the place teems with above average enemies + battles you can't avoid like Behemoths + Bahamut and Ruby Dragons if you answer Bahamut's questions wrong).


Hey.. I wonder to know what is the role of phoenix pinion item... I guess you get it from Shumi villagers as a gift. i didn't know what to do with this item until I was fighting with Jumbo Cactuar. Since it was taking me so long to beat him... I just tried to use it in order to see what it happened. The matter is I use the two items and I just get dissapointed about it. Moreover, there are sometimes when I think I lost but then this thing appears and revive some character with a slow ammount of energy... Does this GF appear whenever he wants like ODin or what??



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