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***** Some Testing

[ Posted by CKemu 03:21 on 04 09 07 ]

Work towards PCSX2 0.9.4 continues at a steady pace! GiGaHeRz has done significant work towards USB emulation, and we now have keyboard support!


When going online with PCSX2, or even a real PS2, chat and general team work requires you type to other players, thus GiGaHeRz was inspired to work on the USB side of PS2 emulation and bring us working keyboard support!


You don't even need a USB keyboard plugged into your PC, it can be any type of keyboard Of course this required us to test (play) even more Monster Hunter together...*ahem*


You may be wondering why the first word in the news post is just a bunch of stars? Well it seems Capcom like any sensible network game developer, censor certain words, however whilst 'testing' PCSX2 we soon found that the word after is censored in the game, whats even funnier, the word wanker isn't! (gasp, swearing on news page!)


Video and yet more shots of our exploits, the video certainly makes me chuckle.

>> Video and snaps HERE.

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