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* Record of Agarest War (Idea Factory)

* Spiderman 3 (Activision)

* Transformers (Activision)

* Pirates of the Caribbean World End (Disney)

* FIFA 2008 (EA)

* NBA Live 08 (EA)

* Need For Speed Pro Street (EA)

* Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (EA)

* Railfan Taiwan Koutetsu (Ongakkan)

* Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom)

* PixelJunk Racers (Q Games)

* Unannounced Title (Q Entertainment)

* G1 Jockey 4 2007 (Koei)

* Dynasty Warriors 6 (Koei)

* The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (Spike)

* Tony Hawk Project 8 (Spike)

* Sega Rally (Sega)

* Inabikisou (Sega)

* Oideyo LocoRoco!! Buu Buu Cocoreccho (Sony)

* Eye of Judgment Biolith Rebellion (Sony)

* Echochrome (Sony)

* Go! Sports Ski (Sony)

* Heavenly Sword (Sony)

* LittleBigPlanet (Sony)

* Rise From Lair (Sony)

* Warhawk (Sony)

* Uncharted (Sony)

* Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (Sony)

* Mainichi Isyo (Sony)

* Ratchet & Clank Future (Sony)

* White Knight Story (Sony)

* Ratatouille (THQ Japan)

* Dark Sector (D3 Publisher)

* Time Crisis 4 (Bandai Namco Games)

* Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft)

* Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2 (Ubisoft)





How many of these games matter? 5 of them do. The rest can go die.


Full of Sony games, and the other ones are not excellent


The only one I like is Gran Turismo


I dont know why but i want to play Little big planet. I just dont know why. One day, one day, it will happen. Also i would like to take a look at heavenly sword. Seems like a good game. It looks like POP and GOW (god of war and not gears of war). Also it looks a little like oni blade (a russion game set for this winter, only for russia i think, nice game though, for russians :) , i think this is to long for a paranthases statement if a spelled that right, well i will close it right n).


My two games:

Heavenly sword

Little big planet


The rest i either never heard before, dont care or other ports (ex is Assassins creed).

Posted (edited)
I dont know why but i want to play Little big planet. I just dont know why. One day, one day, it will happen. Also i would like to take a look at heavenly sword. Seems like a good game. It looks like POP and GOW (god of war and not gears of war). Also it looks a little like oni blade (a russion game set for this winter, only for russia i think, nice game though, for russians :) , i think this is to long for a paranthases statement if a spelled that right, well i will close it right n).


My two games:

Heavenly sword

Little big planet


The rest i either never heard before, dont care or other ports (ex is Assassins creed).


I imagine assasin would have been on your list if it wasnt ported. I hear you, its a great looking game nonetheless.. lets hope it plays great.


*Wonders what sega will do to make up for that Sonic The hedgehog disaster*

Edited by LoRd_SnOw
Posted (edited)

am I the only one disappointed to not see anything from Squeenix on there?


I hope that they announce something really groundbreaking, like an FFVII remake... I mean it is closing in on the 10th anniversary... wait I'm thinking American release here... hold on *wikis* okie the Japanese release date was in January... and haha, the 10th anniversary for the American release is tomorrow, nice (Friday the 7th)


seriously... a game like that would move PS3s so quick...

Edited by Reaper man

I would re-buy it, am i the only one that enjoyed having 3 CD's of FF7 as a game. I felt like i got more for my buck in those days :)


I think Square-Enix already announced the games, adn I didn't see any remake there


Well there still hasn't been any other on any other booth besides SNK's (Poor offering YET AGAIN this year).

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