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September 5, 2007 - The latest chapter in the Final Fantasy VII saga is almost at hand over in Japan. Just in time's for Crisis Core's 9/13 release, the editors of Famitsu managed to gather executive producer Yoshinori Kitase, producer Hideki Imaizumi, director Hajime Tabata, and character designer Tetsuya Nomura for an interview touching upon all areas of Crisis Core's development, and possible future developments from the staff members.


On the topic of Crisis Core, Tabata disclosed just how huge the game is, noting that it almost fills up a full UMD-ROM. He feels that the game is well balanced so that players of all levels will be able to clear it. However, advanced players can look forward to over 300 missions outside of the main storyline. These are tough, but players can get a bit of extra help on their second time through, as the game lets you start a new game with your past character data.


A bit of trivia for those interested in how Crisis Core came about. Tabata disclosed that the project originally began with the idea of making a port of Before Crisis, the mobile entry in the Compilation series. Before Crisis (as well as Final Fantasy Agito XIII) are Tabata's projects, so Kitase approached him with the idea. Brought into the discussion, Nomura suggested instead that they make something with more meaning to the Compilation, and so was born the idea of making a game about a soldier who'd previously not been addressed in the Compilation, Zack. This entire decision process took just two days, Kitase joked.


Outside of Crisis Core, Famitsu editors asked about new developments in the Compilation series, noting that players are hoping for a FFVII remake. Yes, questions about a remake of FFVII are required whenever interviewing Nomura and Kitase.


Tabata avoided the remake issue entirely, instead pointing out that Square Enix will be distributing a new episode of Before Crisis for mobile players simultaneously with the Crisis Core release. This episode features Reno as the main character.


A remake of FFVII is a question of timing, Imaizumi said, noting that Kitase, Nomura and Tabata are all busy with the Final Fantasy XIII series. He added that a new game of some form will be announced at the Tokyo Game Show. We're not sure if he's referring to a new game in the FFXIII series or a general new title from Kitase, Nomura and Tabata. Either way, we're already excited.


This new title appears to be separate from the new Kingdom Hearts project that Tetsuya Nomura has previously confirmed for a TGS unveiling. Asked about the announcement, Nomura simply asked readers to look forward to it.


Imaizumi closed off by confirming once again that there are currently no plans for a FFVII remake. However, he noted that this could change rather quick, alluding to Kitase's comment about how the decision to make Crisis Core took only two days.





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rawr... they should just go and make it already.... I mean the demand is right there in front of them, why are they sitting around with their thumbs up their asses? MAKE IT ALREADY! >:rolleyes:


Nope, not to me.


Looks really awesome, maybe the PSP sales will be better now finally :rolleyes:


PSP was outsold by NDS most of the times but that doesn't mean they didn't do well. They still sell enough for a market to exist out there.


Final Fantasy games are a pain in the ass, ridiculously easy, and more focused on big numbers than actual gameplay. Another remake of one of their old ones can't possibly be good.


Yeah. Pretty much things after 6 aren't comparable. (Gladly, their remaking the 16 Bit gen FF games, which are arguably the best to long time fans).


Also because they are literaly milking 7 for all it's worth. All these stories and they don't bother with the other Final Fantasys. Hell, FF7 Compilation is going to be around for 10 more years. So you possibly can't ask for more then that.


Why can't they let this crap die already.

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