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For me it was the Nintendo. Now that was a great system and Duck Hunt was the greatest. The only problem was I would always have to put the gun right on the screen to shoot. Otherwise it wouldn't work at all. :lol:


So what was it for you? :lol::o




All were gifts :lol:

First was Atari though :lol:



The only thing i really bought were accessories or upgrades for computer :o


The first i ever purchased threw my own money was aaaaaaaaaaaaa




It cost me alltogether about 380 english pounds.


I got a job in a bakery...


Worked untill i judged the exzact amount I needed.


The quit!!! [ i am outta here losers!!]

Playing dreamcast when i was supposed to be at work [ i never went back]

Went to get my dreamcast, VMS, Soul caliber, Power stone, ahhhhh dam i cant remember the other 2 games grrrr.


I also got 2 pads on the day of release...



Anyway one of the better systems i have owned, do i still have it...



Will i be buying one very soon......Yep!


For me it was the nes, only it had 4 buttons... for some reason, all the neses in israel had 4 buttons...

Anyway, I sold it after I got bored (after one day)...


in the past(more than 15 year) my father was using msx in his work but after some time he buy a pc (no its not pantiom 1 something older dont remeber its name) and he give us (me and my brother) his msx and we was hapy with it (we have only one cartirdage and its was an edu. one but we borow some game from frind) but the first sys. was atari


my first console was an atari. my cousin gave me his old one when he got an nes. then, like, 6 months later, i got an nes too. :lol: i still played my atari, though, ofcourse, but the nes was my favorite by far. it still is in many ways. :lol:


come to think of it anyone know were ican get a dreamcast on the net without payingstupid prices, that and a memory unit to? :lol:


First console I ever had was an Atari 2600 (It was given to me)

First console I ever bought, was an NES (I had to save like mad, I was only a little kid)

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