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Either try and forget about the smell or take a wiff of something different like a bowl of mustard (if thats your thing). I had this metal taste in my mouth after smelling something horrible today and it left my mouth as soon as i ate a bowl of spaghetti.

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Posted (edited)

WHAAAAAT!?!? O.K. Obviously this isn't normal, but damn, this is EXTRA-UN-ordinary, thats right... I had to make up a new word to describe this..... I grew up near a small farmland, Here in Florida. My best friend had chickens, not so many, but still. Yes, chickens CAN smell, but not that bad. Not even if you have 100's and never let them out and they kinda root in there own crap.


I'll ask my mom, she is into alternative medicines, she will have a few ideas, but honestly, I think there was a chemical or something involved, as you suggested, that might have been possible. You see, even when something dies, and rots like hell, it's still natural, organic matter. Even considering hormones and such, as to be expected with farm animals. My point with that is these things naturally fade, there organic, your body processes massive amounts of organic ...... look, it should have faded a looooooong time ago.


I used to fill Propane, I'm a certified handler still. They put a chemical in propane so you can smell it, you see, naturally it is odorless. To fill a tank, you have to hook it up to the valve, and open a bleeder valve, so the vapor can expel while you fill it with the liquid gas. then of course you fill the tank. And yea you smell it. But sometimes someone would bring in a tank, and it's really old, but still has the OPD valve.... nevermind that... but the tank has sat there for a long time and the contents have ... well I don't know... fermented or rotted or something. Point is when I filled tanks that were old, the smell is REALY bad. I always said it stuck to my nose hairs because I would smell it for a few min. Point is this was a unatural chemical that produced this effect.


But you .......... Dude your taste buds acted first. Almost sounds like chemical warfare..... And you smell it, just as strongly, when you touch the tip of your nose!!!!!! AND you even put crap up there to clean it out...... It damn sure does sound like some chemical. This is nooooo good man, as you can tell. Sounds like your nose needs to soft-reset. ok ok, no stupid jokes.


You need to purge this out, and I will have some suggestions within 18 hours. But I don't know man, the smelling of this for so long is real bad.... by itself. The fact that your taste buds reacted as they did worries me more.


So there. All I can say for now is that it is a chemical agent. Unless of course you are allergic to something you never knew about....


I know this really doesn't help, but I'll report back with some advice.....

Edited by Belthasar
Posted (edited)


Its such a simple solution!

Take a good grip of your money out the bank, take a trip to France! France has tons of different smells, but here's the bloody thing....it all smells good!

Where do you think all the latest perfumes come from?! Italy!? How dare you!?

Just walk around! buy some cheese! Eat the cheese! SLOWLY!

Then when you get back home smell your carpet! Smell your walls! For your home is where you have sheded ur personal scent every single stinking day!!!!! FOr your nose is sad and heartbroken! For your nose has lost it's groove! SO you have re-introduce it to its babay! Where the good gets gooder! ANd then after your nose get's its groove back!!!!

Smell some onions and force the last remnants of smell out through tears!

(not breathing works too)

YOSHA!!!!!! :o

Edited by Shoma

If it was pig farmers you just have to wait soon the smell well leave. There is nothing worse then pig smell. It will last for weeks I know.


Alright. Sorry I didn't get back to you as soon as I said I would. I couldn't edit my file, it was read only. Zone Alarm and all.




I spoke to my Mom and a few people.... Here goes....

My Mom thought the symptoms sounded familiar, and looked into it for me. Later that day, She told me about a condition she researched. I don't know, your symptoms seem to be similar to this affliction.


Found on Healthline.com. under the searching prefix "Smell disorder"


Dysosmia is a distorted sense of smell. A person senses non-existent unpleasant odors.


It can be caused by medical and mental conditions. Infected nasal sinuses and damage to the olfactory bulbs can cause dysosmia, the distorted sense of smell. Head trauma can cause this disorder. In addition, brain-stem disease can cause smelling disorders. An epileptic seizure can include olfactory hallucinations. When the condition is caused by a medical condition such as allergies or a viral infection, a person may notice that the olfactory sense is impaired during that condition. If the smelling disorder continues after the person is well, an appointment should be made with a primarily health care provider.


Diagnosis of smelling disorders begins with a health assessment to determine the cause of the olfactory impairment. The patient's primary care doctor will ask if the patient has a cold, allergies, sinusitis, or an upper respiratory infection.

Unfortunately, full checkups are not likely covered by typical health insurance, at least not fully. Secondly, I hope to hell you didn't contract some kinda disease.


Now, this is what I could find on the net about it. BUT... I have further insight. Just the other night, My buddy was over, and I was showing him the new Bionic Commando Trailer. He was playing around with my can of Dust Remover. This stuff has a bittering agent to help discourage inhalant abuse. He held the crap upside down sprayed just alittle, talking about freezing a penny. That bastard contaminated the room with this bitter taste. My girlfriend was first affected, she kept on talking crap. <--(auto edit?) I told her he was sorry, as he kept saying over and over, and to just drop it. Well wouldn't you know it, next thing you know I tasted it too. It was horrible, and to top it off, like 10 min later, We went outside to have a smoke, and I still tasted it OVER my cigarette! It was VERY potent, very bitter. And mind you he only sprayed a tiny amount, that wasn't directed directly at me. (but at my girlfriend) I instantly thought of you. I thought it was ironic.


I don't think it's a stretch at all to think this may be a pesticide or whatever kind of chemical, that farms often use. But perhaps something else is going on too. Like, are you taking any medication? Or were you sick when this happened? Because I had Pneumonia or bronchitis for a few months, and for the longest time, I smelled this stale as hell odor that never ceased till well after my sickness left me. Oh... it was quite annoying, so I can imagine that, plus the propane (earlier comment) and the bittering agent combined, all together, would be maddening!


Whatever the case, I'd make a decision soon. If it is some crazy chemical that has contaminated you, Perhaps somehow, purge it??? Like some nasty herbal tea and lots of vegetables and fruits. Drink alot of water and NO SODA! And if that doesn't work... I don't know, squirt vinegar up your nose so far it goes down your throat and blow it out as hard as you can. Then stuff your nostrils with pop rocks and hit your nose with a mallet. (remove paper and rocky bits) Then Snort powered salt and chew on some garlic. Oh, BTW... I AM NOT A DOCTOR!!!! I think Gryph should know better that I.


So yea, I'd eat the costs and go to a doctor, from how you described it, this is crazy ass ((CRAP))


Not through the nose dumboes.


GC IS GOING TO DIE WHAT. Well,...... shot gun (if you guys know what i mean).

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