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hey guys and gals! :P

was searching through mamedox yesterday just seeing if i could find any hidden gems when ifound this game called gratia or gradiasomething like that :huh: anyhoo when looking at the amount of games that have emulated in mame,fba,zsnes or whatever emulator!

what hidden gems have you found that you have goneback to and nobody else would ever think about playing?

ps by the way gratia is a great shooter! :D:angry:


The only one I can think of was Mad Gear for MAME.


It wasn't amazing but I used to play it a restaurant here in town

Viper Phase 1. Remember that anyone?

yeah i remenber viper!

just cant make it work on mameox 128plus suppose raiden fighters 2000 about as close as im gonna get to that one :D


Sonic Shuffle! The best party game ever and no one noticed it!


Posted most of them in the mame thread but


Armored Warriors

Gain ground

Dungeons and Dragons


Yeah I know they're popular, but hard to find in US. Found a D&D cab but the controls were broken. Then again, the arcade was a POS also.


I always thought that gratia was pretty boring. I guess I quit after the second stage because it wasn't like all those other japanese shooters where a boss shoots 12039812830129 bullets at you.


In the US...

Virtua Fighter and Shenmue for sure. Other than that I would say; Fighting Layer, Broken Sword, Sanitarium, and a few others I can't think of right now.


Over exposed games are:

Grand Theft Auto series




Flame on!


Everything made for the Dreamcast....

Posted (edited)

Darius Gaiden - Its well known, but it gets easily overlooked.


Whatever Emulator??? ok Here is a small list of games that easily get overlooked.



Pirates Gold

Gunstar Heroes

Ranger X

Out of This World - also for SNES



Id say try out that Super Metriod Redesign, considering you haven't

E.V.O. Search for Eden-whatever.... I liked it, although it's strange



Guardian Heroes


Dream Cast

Power Stone 2


OK just a small list. Hope there is one you haven't tried but end up liking

Edited by Belthasar

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