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Seriously, it was so bad, it was fun.


Anyways, E.T. I played it on an actual 2600. My friend owns it, along with Pac-Man and a bunch of other crap.


Superman sucked on the N64, and so did that game where you're a parachuter or a hang glider, and you have to land on targets or something....that game sucked. So did the Pool game. Also, Monopoly...well, actually....I just hate monopoly.....



D for the 3DO was pretty lame. So was Night something or other....I cant remember the name right now, but it's the one with the spies, ogres, and vampires. WHAT KIND OF GAME IS THAT?!?!? might as well have made a game with Trolls, Keebler Elves, and some demons...it woulda been just as whack.


Yo, Pilotwings was god damn godly.


now are u guys talking the psx version of street fighter the movie or the arcade version i mean both were bad but the psx version i actually threw away.


I'd have to say ShellShock, a first gen PS1 game where you drive around in this tank. I haven't played ET or any of the other really famous horrible games.


Me and mag have come to terms. SFII the movie: the game. Is too dope.


What..... My girlfriend hates Pilot Wings?????? Whaaaaaaat?


HA! you think Pit Fighter sucked, try Violence Fight of NeoGeo fame. (shudders)


Worst........... Game..........I've played. There are so many........


Ok Dominoes Pizza famed Yo! noid. Remember that??? But I never played it... until just now..... Oh ..... unthinkable. Ok I got one.. Bubsy the Bobcat. Some of the worst ones have been taken, so I had to come up with a new one.


It's too bad I can't link it. I found a page where it emulates Yo! noid on nescafe, so you don't actually have to download that crap. Wow.

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