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I've been reading rumors about it today. Here is a link quantifying those rumors: http://www.cnbc.com/id/21581845


Any of you interested in HD-DVD? I don't have an HD TV so getting an HD-DVD would be pretty pointless. However, $99 is pretty cheap for a next-gen format player.


my buddy told me that they are going to make some more porno films on the hd-dvd. is that true? i have been waiting for this all my life. to see so many more naked women in full detail like its the real crap is stuff i only see in my dreams.


Yeah, it's true. I think HD-DVD is too high res for porn. I don't want to see boils and cysts on pornstar asses and much greater detail on horrible boob jobs.

Yeah, it's true. I think HD-DVD is too high res for porn. I don't want to see boils and cysts on pornstar asses and much greater detail on horrible boob jobs.

but thats real life. the fake stuff gets old.


Bleh, I could care less about HD-DVD. What's the point of seeing a few more extra trees in the background?


I'm waiting for full virtual reality with extra sunglasses that are sold like wiimotes. :)

Bleh, I could care less about HD-DVD. What's the point of seeing a few more extra trees in the background?


I'm waiting for full virtual reality with extra sunglasses that are sold like wiimotes. :)


That would be the coolest thing ever invented. Too bad we would all be dead before that is invented. but right now all we has HdTv and were gonna have to praise that as the best Tv ever.


that particular player upconverts horribly so no use getting one since it will piss me off and i got a peferctly fine blu ray player that decently upconverts dvds. and people are gonna be pissed when they buy those cheap laptops with celeron processors that do not handle vista well at all.


I wonder if tax will be included. It is cheap though, plus my friend works at wal mart so I could use his card, 10 percent off.

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