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Hey wow Inky... thats a pretty interesting story. Have you ever asked your little one about it at all? Does she even remember any of it... I know she was 3 and all. Did you let anyone else know about it?


I've never experienced anything like the souliotte, but I often get the feeling of a presence nearby. Might just be my imagination, but ya never know.


As for the story about the Teddy Ruxpin, It reminded me about my sister. She had a doll that dropped, I don't recall what we were doing, but I remember it's mouth opening and closing over and over, making a mechanical sound (of its moving little plastic gears ) and it didn't stop for a bit. It was creepy, and I went to pull it's batteries.... but there were none. Come to think on it... there was a TON of freaky things going on in my life at that time. That summer was filled with alot of strange events. Perhaps if I find the time and patience... I'll write about them, but they are nothing special... just weird instances.


Get this inky... My friend just made mention of something in the corner of his eye... " a looming shadowy figure..." bigger than himself. And when he turned to it... nothing. Just now. Hmmmmmm.


Well that's what everyone brushes the Shadow People as. Nothing, because it happens in the corner at your eye. They tend to tick with everyone's natural instincts.


Well I do know there is an unseen world. A world where rules as we know it mean nothing. Hell look at subatomic physics, (sorry the proper label for this field of science eludes me) ... the smaller you look, more and more of the rules of physics fly out the window. Even scientifically speaking, there are too many possibilities and truths that we just cant understand.


The mind is infinitely complex. There are cylicon chips now that operate many many times faster than scientists say out neurons can deal out. (assuming the scientists got their calculations correct) Granted our minds do not work in a binary fashon, the way out minds work, are supremely superior to any silly artificial methods. There is too much about the mind alone, that we will never uncover.


I can go on and on, but my point is, we cannot truly understand the reality of things. It is based under our preceptions. Perhaps one can say certain things are judged erroneously, but honestly... I have seen some weird sh!t. And this thread had some pretty cool stories in it too, and I'm sure there are a whole lot more just from our members alone, save the entire race as a whole.


There is some crazy sh!t out there. Things that I have seen that amaze me still and will do so forever. There are things we just cannot explain. Sometimes truths are withheld, but mostly, things are just plain beyond us. If we cannot explain what gravity really is, how can we possibly say ghosts and spirits don't exist. You might believe one way, but how can one truly know? Ya can't. You can theorize that the energy that is ones soul, has to go somewhere... but who are we to truly understand what it is that binds us to this world. As I see it, reality is kind of like a construct, laid out by a greater being. Who is to say I'm right or wrong. No one knows. And science will never tell us, as every day, we have to re-wright the rules of science, as old "truths" are revealed as false, i.e. light actually does have mass... which contradictory to what they taught me in school growing up.


So perhaps "shadow" people could be the manifestation of something our mind created, or maybe it is actually a being we can only receive on the edge of "our" reality.... Maybe it's both!!! Of course, for that to make sense, that would mean that we are imiginary too. heh. Whatever the truth is for any given thing that may or maynot be... there are an infinite amount of unknown truths just around the corner... every second of every day... everywhere.


This kind of thing fascinates me greatly. But then again, a great many things do. I thank everyone for their stories.


Heh... on that note... I'd like to see more. I want to hear more stories. I don't care if you think your story sounds too crazy. Who the hell knows what truly happened in any given case... but I know there are more of you who do have tales, and I would have you share them, if you would.

Hey wow Inky... thats a pretty interesting story. Have you ever asked your little one about it at all? Does she even remember any of it... I know she was 3 and all. Did you let anyone else know about it?


Get this inky... My friend just made mention of something in the corner of his eye... " a looming shadowy figure..." bigger than himself. And when he turned to it... nothing. Just now. Hmmmmmm.

No she doesn't remember any of it. my wife says there were other incidents with her talking about "Rick" going on for about 2 months. but I wasn't first hand to any of them. My nephew had similar stories when he was around the same age about a woman who killed herself on my sisters property. this would have been about 8 years ago I guess.

my mother was sitting on the couch late one night, staying with my sister. well Josh my nephew woke up to get some water. He asked my mom if he could sit with her and watch tv and she agreed. so they are sitting there in the dark watching TV and my mom noticed that Josh was not watching tv he was staring intently at the end of the couch. (it was a long sectional) she continued to watch tv and a few minutes later noticed he was still looking at the end of the couch. She finally asked what he was looking at and he said he was looking at the lady who comes over to draw pictures of him. He said the lady was nice to him but she hurt her mouth. At that time my mom wrote it off as active imagination of a 4 year old. And they eventually went to bed.

A few days later my mom was talking to my sisters mother-in-law who also lives on the property and she told her about that night. My sisters mother-in-law got a little white and explained that a woman had killed her self on the property years before. the woman was an artist, she put a shotgun in her mouth.

Now to me the fact that Josh's visitor drew pictures of him (artist) and had a hurt mouth (shotgun) is just too much coincidence for a kids imaginary friend.


near that time Josh also had issues with an unseen little boy who he claimed was mean to him. now there was no little boy living there. their property was miles from town. My sister thinks the unseen boy may have been his father's brother who died when they were kids.


I agree that young kids may be more open to the spirit and supernatural world and as they grow up that door closes. For my daughter and Nephew it seems that door closed around 4 years old.

Posted (edited)

My former boss claimed she knew ghosts existed because she had one living in her old apartment that she shared with a roommate in the hollywood area. She said she knew ghosts were real because she could see them plain as day sometimes in a room in the apartment or walking between rooms. I do find it fascinating and if there was some living to be made in cryptozoology or paranormal science i'd want to become one of those ghost hunting film people.


Another story I know of is from my sister's boyfriend (Scott), although he wasn't the direct one to experience it firsthand. His older brother (Ron) is the one who was involved in the account. So the story goes, as a youth, Ron (now in his early to mid 30's) and his friends would find any excuse to go off on adventures inside abandoned houses or places purported to be inhabited by spirits. So here is Ron and his friend, bored on a Friday or a day on the weekend late at night and they decide to go inside an abandoned building of some sort (not sure if it was a house or some other type of building). They manage to get inside (it was locked up if I recall) and they're going around the place, into rooms and snooping around. As they're doing so apparently some other people show up outside the area and I can't recall if it was police pulling someone over or just some other group of people but he told me they hid from view inside the building so maybe it was the police. At this point I can't remember if they did anything peculiar or witnessed anything unusual but they may have. Anyway, they waited until whoever showed up left and when they did they decided to leave. So they get back in their car and go home. I'm not sure if he said this was the next day or some other day after but apparently Ron and his friend were out and returned home in the friend's car (I believe the same one they drove when they went to snoop around the building), parking it in the driveway of Ron's family's house. Now Scott, doing his own thing and walking or driving home walks into the house but as he does so, he notices someone in the backseat of Ron's friends car. So he goes inside and like any normal routine goes about his business but he asks Ron and his friend who the person is sitting in the backseat of the car. Ron and Scott's sister also claims to be curious about who the person is that was in the backseat with them as she had never seen the individual (apparently having seen them arrive) Surprised, both Ron and his friend claim that only the two of them were inside the car when they arrived. Startled... and after some deliberation it Ron believes that someone broke in to the car so they go outside prepared to confront the person. As it turns out when they goto the car, there's no one to be seen. At this point they're bewildered and confused but not long after the ordeal they realize there was no signs of physical entry into Ron's friend's car. Now they are both freaked out and Ron is angry with his friend for bringing a spirit back with them to his house. Scott and his family are Vietnamese so its safe to say they don't disregard spirits as non-existant and when they told their father about the situation their father busted out with the salt and traditional Vietnamese ritual for warding off evil spirits around their house.


Ron still has a fascination with the paranormal, as I do, and when I visit their house he and I often share what new videos of ghost activity we can find on youtube.


Here are a few:

Ghost Brick


I suppose you can be your own judge on the validity of these videos or not. I myself only look for videos with very believable circumstances and emotion/reaction from the people in them. None of these probably really even hold up for consensus as they are mostly amateur in nature and can't be used as proper evidence. Still... they're interesting none the less.

Edited by veristic

Hey... you too have smany interesting stories. Excellent.


Remember when I mentioned the strange summer when plenty of weird sh!t happened? Well it was a chaotic time in my life.


I was 11 or 12 and well... I experienced many things that were quite... unnerving. I never chalked it up to anything... as you never know. Although I have never seen spirits, or beings from some unseen world, but damned if I haven't sensed strange happenings just on the verge of my reckoning.


The world is to our hope... as rational beings... set in stone. But there are too many things unknown. The reality of it, is there IS things just on the edge of our grasp. As rationals, we try to set rules and values to everything. As our minds grow, we are more and more accustomed to the world, as we see it.


But the kids. They see the world through innocent eyes. They are not trapped to pre-conceived notions as we are. The mind is powerful. Really powerful. Just because one is young, doesn't mean their mind is any less extraordinary. Imagine a mind unbound by the burden of "our" reality... or at least what we can prove.


Perhaps... perhaps a reason children can see things like this much more often than others, is because they do not pose a threat to those who are being seen? Perhaps their innocents is the gateway to their perception.


I just remembered something. My Grandfather died when I was around 7. maybe 8. We went to the Flee Market on the weekend, as our family did every weekend, (this of course being just a short time after his passing) and it is quite busy, as it is only open Fri/Sat/Sun. To those who do not know... A Flee market, is a large, outdoor bazaar. One can find practically anything. Anyway, My cousin and I were at the end of the line... (we were walking through a connecting arm), and since there are alot of people, walking almost single file was practically necessary. My cousin and I were just behind the others, I believe there were a couple of people between me and the rest of my family. And of course, there were a ton of other people walking to and fro. Imagine a mall well beyond its capacity. Anyway, on the opposite side of the "arm" (opposing walking traffic) My cousin and I saw our Grandfather. He looked right at us, there was no doubt in our minds that it was him. Sure kids might believe anything... but we are not stupid. We KNEW it was him... we spoke to each other about it, and confirmed each others belief, but we never told our parents... we just knew no-one would believe us, and of course, the reference to him would have slapped a reminder in the faces of our parents. A reminder of the loss. On after thought, I could see the cliche talk, of wishful thinking, and you didn't really see him.


Thing is... it is said, everyone has a twin. My grandfather was quite distinctive. Even his last name is rare. I can go on, but that point is moot. We knew it was him. And thats that. Now that is the only thing I can claim... to be anything like your stories Inky. Perhaps we were mistaken... but still. A longshot as far as coincidences go.


Very interesting story veristic, thanks. As for the clips, I do not believe in any of them. They all ring out BS to me. The dog in the first was following a cue of his master, and then he left, and came back to the attic... it was a set up. The others were just as hoaky. I am not trying to offend, it's just... I just wish someone would actually catch some REAL crazzy sh!t on film. That would be amazing. But everything I ever see has way too many holes in them... like most the UFO clips.


hmm, that video: The Attic is interesting. I would write it off as a fake except that dog was pretty convincing, I dunno if anyone would take the time to train their dog to act that way for a youtube video.

Posted (edited)

Yeah i'd have to lean towards fake too for the clips but they're pretty interesting, as to what, if any, real video might present itself as if available for viewing. The attic and mabel ones in particular are elaborate at best and good for entertainment and intrigue. If you guys have any links (that I haven't seen on youtube, which is unlikely :P) feel free!


Here's another for your discretion: Jacket

Edited by veristic

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