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That doesnt make sense. You grade it as if its a new game. If i see a pc game that was ported from the 360, and then look at the review, i would think this game would suck (since reviews are always lower). This probably applies to those who dont have a 360 (like me :) ). You grade it on wants on the inside and not if it was ported.


It makes sense. A whole year has passed since Gears on the 360 and so the standards of reviewing have changed. When Golden Axe came out in 1987 it got 9/10 reviews. Yet if it came out today, compared to whats out now, it wouldn't score anywhere near as high. I'm surprised the last year only deducted 0.5 from Gears' score.

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The thing that i hate is the PC counterpart always recieves a lower score. I just hate that. For example Gears of war recieved a 9.4 on the 360 and a 8.7 on the pc while the pc has more levels and a map editor. I have never seen one game that has revieved a higher score on the pc than on the 360/PS3.


the reason is there is hype surrounding he 360 version. It's fresh and new so reviewers give it a higher rating

When it comes out on PC, they've already seen it and the ratings are affected accordingly

Precisly. Case in point, Jade Empire SE for PC was released just a few months ago and it's been on Xbox 1 for ages already and 2k games published it's PC release. It recived a 81.7% compared to the 89.4% Xbox version even though the PC version came out with alittle more extras, being moddable and imporved graphics and A.I. Same applied to Gears. We've seen it already, PC version's advantages is that it can get user created content. Which is it's ONLY advantage. Controls were built for a controller and not a keyboard as well.

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