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whats the best fps out there right now?

ive got an xbox1 and an xbox 360,but ive got the xbox1 pretty much covered.when you look at the 360 and the games that have been released,nearly every second one is an fps.

the mind boggles sometimes to know which ones to go for.


ps quake 4 on the 360 any good?


Quake 4 is a decent game... the 360 runs around 30fps, but even that is inconsistent. I'm playing it now, and it just seems wrong. Good game - bad port.


I think Unreal Tournament is the best fps game / series ever made. Pick up the 360 version of UT3 next February.


Half-Life series is my favorite so for me the best one out there right now is Half-Life 2: Ep. 2 and Team Fortress 2 (and Portal but I don't count that as an FPS really). Before recently the best FPS was not on 360 but since the Orange Box has been released that mistake has been rectified.


Also on the 360 is Call of Duty 4 which is really awesome.


Also, Crysis is probably the freshest FPS to be released in a very long time but that's not on 360.


Yea, all good references. I especially agree with BlackNight on the Unreal Tournament 3, Not that I've played 3, But unreal is the real deal. Gears of War has been out, and is 3rd person, but I thought I should mention that anyway, just because.


For thinking man's FPS, i love half life series.


But i do love Medal of Honour: Allied Assault (the very first one).

The battle at beach of normandy is so "saving private ryan" like that

it still stuck in my mind and give me the urge to play the game from time to time.

Half-Life series is my favorite so for me the best one out there right now is Half-Life 2: Ep. 2 and Team Fortress 2 (and Portal but I don't count that as an FPS really). Before recently the best FPS was not on 360 but since the Orange Box has been released that mistake has been rectified.


Also on the 360 is Call of Duty 4 which is really awesome.


Also, Crysis is probably the freshest FPS to be released in a very long time but that's not on 360.

I prety much agree with what owner-man here says.


So far the ones I own The Orange Box and The Darkness are my favorite. I bought The Darkness mainly cuz Mike Patton did the voice of The Darkness (and the voice of the angry red eyeball in Portal).















I was very pleased to hear Mike Patton's voice in Portal. When I picked up that ball I was "that voice sounds very familiar" and lo behold there he is in the credits.


Indeed. I had to watch the credits again though as I wasn't too sure I read it right the first time though in the back of my mind knew it had to be anyway.

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