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As you all may know or are soon to find out, I am an African American [black] as people call it today. In my High School, I tend to hang out with people that are considered minorities in society (I don't consider them to be at all). At lunch I sit with a Latino who skateboards 24/7 and an Asian person who is a fun person to talk to. I hang out with Whites more than Blacks simply because their lack of intelligence and the ignorance they contain. Don't get me wrong, I do have a handful of black companions but they don't act out of line, or meet the stereotypical foolish black type of person.


I remembered going to lunch yesterday, I was walking into the door where I heard these two black kids having a conversation.


"A Cuh, I got the motherflockin Latin 2 class dog, that crap fi' as hell shawty"


The other guy: "You be speakin som' Latin up in dat biatch cuh?"

I'm attracted to black women and aswell as other races, but I can't even manage to pull one because of the way I talk. I'll say Hi, how are you today, now, remember that this is not an act and it is the way I talk. When I say it to them they tend to think that I'm completely crazy.

It might look a bit weird reading it, but I could perfectly act it out with my voice it I had a microphone. But sometimes when I try to start a conversation with black males or females they tend to not take things I say seriously, or talk a way where I can't understand what the flock they are saying.I just wanted to point out how my race is destined to fall in the future. I mean from the sagging pants to the mindset of thinking "I'm a gangster and if you try me I'll beat the flock out of you". All of these gangsters in school in pretense who are influenced by rappers on TV.


The rappers make it so it's "cool" to do all of these things, these things that I don't need to point out right now because I'm sure it's quaint and obvious. "The 3,000 outfit, the best car, hoes, the best biatch, and I pop guns on your niggas and all of this bullshit that they have never done in their lives and will never do".


Like I stated before not all blacks at my school act this way, I just wanted to point out the black stereotype, and how I do believe that if we try we can come up as a race, and end this bullshit of having the best material items, and trying to become the hardest motherflocker alive. I was sitting at the lunch table today, I finished my lunch so I pulled out a book and started to read, some black kids down the table was like "Ah crap that nigga matthew readin'a book". Is that really a big deal? Books increase an individual's intelligence and they tend to think that it's bullshit or geeky to read a book...


It's not just your race, dude. I estimate 60% or more of the white population behaves in an identical manner. I see it all the time. I have yet to comprehend why suburban white children are acting like urban black children, but whatever, to each their own.

Posted (edited)

ah yes... even more reminders of why I have lost faith in humanity... I think we are doomed ;/


also, did any of them sound like this?


"mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga"

Edited by Reaper man




Seriously though, when the hell did I pick up that crap. I don't even hang around that many black folk.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin


I prefer to compare the percentage of the earth covered in water, to the percentage of people in this world drowning in their own stupidity!


If you don't know that percentage, I rest my case AND say http://www.google.com


Oh and there are cultural stereotypes for everyone, and you know what? They're stereotypes for a reason, because in alot of cases, they're true.


You shouldn't pity them. You're only sticking your own neck out by feeling these things towards them. It seems you feel natural speaking the way you do and thats fine. I'm sure they feel the same way with their rhetoric. It seems to me though that you prefer the way you speak (as normal) compared to their slang. So you actively choose not to talk in that "ghetto" fashion for obvious reasons. Ever head of double-speak? Clinton used it well.


You're doing fine, Devia. You just have to be you and don't ever drag yourself down to their levels.


All I can say is, be ready to wear a mask. People have to go to different lengths for different things in different cases. Don't completely shut it out of your life. Think of it more as a social skill, even if it's not that. People that don't take things seriously when they hear you talk are usually people that are not worth talking to in the first place. Be at ease, you managed to escape the sea of average joes, and even better, you acknowledge it as part of your heritage and have learned how to deal with it.

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