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Just wondering if anyone has a link to, or would like to write for 1emu, a complete up-to-date guide for flashing a 360 drive with a custom firmware?


I mean everything from detecting the drive and hardware models, to dismantling and flashing, to creating backups for use on it. Anyone knowledgeable about all this?


First, you got to tell us when you bought your 360, including what type (Core, Arcade, Premium, Pro, Elite), and what kind of drive you have in your 360. :P



November 1 2007. Premium with HDMI. BenQ drive.

I posted this in the last thread with LSD (forum member), but I'll post it here again.


There is a great noobs tutorial to flash the BenQ drive. A lot of people have said it has worked wonders for them.


Also, a notable quote from the X-S forums:


The number of new users who are jumping feet-first into flashing their drives is mind-boggling. Once you have read your favourite guide/tutorial(s) and feel comfortable enough to get started make sure you include the following step (I don't think many guides say to do this):


After you read your original firmware - STOP!! Reboot Windows and load Firmware Toolbox (latest is v4.5) and check your orig.bin to make sure your drive key is valid and the type matches your drive. Even if it looks okay, I recommend reading it again (e.g. orig2.bin) and repeating the above step to compare the two keys. Once you are satisfied that the read was good and your key is valid, then and ONLY then proceed to make your hacked firmware and flash it to your drive.


If you just read, erase (where necessary) and write and hope for the best you're at risk of stuffing your Xbox with no recourse. And once you have a good orig.bin, make multiple copies/backups - burn it to a CD, email it to yourself - whatever - but DON'T lose it.


I hope this helps some of you as I really don't want to read another post from anyone who has tried to flash their drive and stuffed things up - it saddens me to think of all the DVD players that have been created from a bad read of the original firmware!


NOTE: This post is not intended to put anyone off the idea of flashing, just trying to prevent people killing their Xbox...



be careful! I've been hearing rumblings about bans again. so make damn sure your backups are passing xdvdmulleter. I'm still not banned, knock on wood.

be careful! I've been hearing rumblings about bans again. so make damn sure your backups are passing xdvdmulleter. I'm still not banned, knock on wood.

is it just the backups they detect and not the firmware?


was thinking about flashing my 360,its the same as black knights pal premium with benq drive.


They only detect the backups. The bans that you heard about were caused by bad backups that were released on the "scene."


As for tutorials, I'll probably write a short tutorial for the MS25 drive for people who don't want to spend hours reading some other tutorial. This tutorial will assume 2 things though: That you know how to open your 360, and that you're not a computer retard.


Safest bet is too buy the games you want to play online and warez everything else :3!


Pbbbbbbt, that's for wimps.


I named my 360 the "Living Legend" because it survive thefirst ban wave on old non-stealth firmware, and it'll survive any upcoming bans with whatever firmware I decided is good.

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