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gpSPhone v0.1.9 released


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GBA emulator for iPhone and iTouch


A lot of users found v0.1.5 to be slower than previous releases. I have fixed this performance related bug, as well as try my best to improve sound quality. I have also fixed a performance related bug related to autoframeskip, and a bug has been fixed related to crashes when clicking ROMs list when sound is muted.


This is a highly recommended upgrade and will appear on Installer.app shortly. It should improve performance, stability, and sound considerably for many users.


Also, I am currently working on a landscape/widescreen mode as well as a better handling of diagonals for the dpad. That will have to wait till next release. :P


gpSPhone v0.1.9 Changes:


Changes 0.1.9:

- Performance increase from fixing dynarec memory allocation

- Performance increase from fixing autoframeskip initialisation

- Sound quality improved

- Muting works properly, no longer crashes when exiting to ROMs list

>> Get it HERE.

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