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All you sony haters say what u want about the lack of games and the prices and all that crap but how many out landish reports of hardware failure have u heard?????? few to none if i were to take a guess, i went to play me a lil 360 a min ago and guess what the flocking rings of death, now i gotta wait a month or more since its the holidays to get it back this sucks ass. so all u 360 fanboys can kiss it.


Just recently, there has been the first reported RROD (and a very special one) for Falcon XBOX 360's.


All you sony haters say what u want about the lack of games and the prices and all that crap but how many out landish reports of hardware failure have u heard?????? few to none if i were to take a guess, i went to play me a lil 360 a min ago and guess what the flocking rings of death, now i gotta wait a month or more since its the holidays to get it back this sucks ass. so all u 360 fanboys can kiss it.

At least the 360 Official Warrenty is covered for 3 more years :V


All you sony haters say what u want about the lack of games and the prices and all that crap but how many out landish reports of hardware failure have u heard?????? few to none if i were to take a guess, i went to play me a lil 360 a min ago and guess what the flocking rings of death, now i gotta wait a month or more since its the holidays to get it back this sucks ass. so all u 360 fanboys can kiss it.

At least the 360 Official Warrenty is covered for 3 more years :V

So what? That's only because the hardware design of the product sucks.

So what? That's only because the hardware design of the product sucks.

It's still not a big up cry to what it was a year ago. You know their doing something right in their R&D if they brought down the fail rate of the units. Besides, most of the units being sent back are the much older units, which- ho ho surprise, make up most the 360 market!


towel trick it until after the holidays if you really wanna send it back. if you are more adventurous open that baby up and do the xclamp or penny fix. flash that sucker while your in there. I did the penny fix over 6 months ago and my 360 runs great.

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