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Seeing as how we haven't been getting many ballots in for the 1Emulation OFFICIAL Awards Competition 2007, we went ahead and shrunk down the ballot. It wasn't a significant shrinkage, but hopefully enough to entice more voters. Now remember, you don't need to vote in every category (vote in whatever you feel comfortable with), and you only need to vote in at least 1 category for posts/threads. The winners of each category will receive a very special recognition on 1Emulation!


Also, in an extra stipulation and in respect to the holiday season, we will be giving out holiday cash ($50)! How do you get the money? It's simple, just vote! We will pick a random voter from the ballot thread out of a hat and that winner will receive the holiday cash prize. With $50.00 USD, I'm sure you can buy whatever video game of your choosing, or perhaps a few thongs or lingerie for the lucky lady. The money will be sent via PayPal ONLY.


P.S. Please only vote if you have been an active member or guest (that needs to register) on 1Emulation and knows our forum members well. There is a minimum of 25 ballots needed (to be submitted) for there to be eligibility of a holiday cash prize.




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