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  james said:
  kounabi22 said:


new hack

svc chaos blue :D

to be honest i hate all these hacks and i think they are stupid .

You too? Man, I think I just found my soulmate. :)

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  FirebrandX said:
Well I confess to using the boss-patched p-rom from SNKX. Works great in FBA and I haven't seen any major glitches or crashes yet.

I use that too because the lack of a trainer at the moment

Posted (edited)
  NeoMaster said:
Hey james, I was wondering if your copy of svc allows you to fight red arremmer in the Hell stage without any bugs. I've tried many different p1's and m1's but when I fight him in Hell, the sound produces an annoying high pitched noise that won't stop. Eventually the game would crash and then reset, or it would crash and reset when i use a special on red arremmer.


Plus, I was wondering if you have a m1 that has ALL of the sound samples.


For instance, Kim's "haah" sound for his victory. Both of choi's victory sounds and shin akuma's grunts when he does red fireball and the qcb + k moves.


Thanks in advance.

mine run ok no sound issues and it does not crash :P



what i need to know is your roms what are th crc's for the m1 ? and the v roms ? and p rom ?


do these match your roms check the dat





System: NEO

RomName: svc

Game: Snk vs Capcom chaos






















CartridgeID: 269

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0




System: NEO

RomName: svcplus

Parent: svc

Game: Snk vs Capcom chaos Plus (Hack)






















CartridgeID: 269

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0




Edited by james
Posted (edited)
to be honest i hate all these hacks and i think they are stupid.


do not hate it, they are not stupid, they are creative and different, that is all!! (respect your opinion, no offence)


for all of you who would like to try the blue version, cause you alredy are sick and tired of the original or just want to change colors as if is in one menu, here is the blues version hack made by jeff.

for best result follow the next procedures.

make a copy of the svcplus roms and rename it svcplus"blue" or any name then in that put the hacked blued p1, then in your dat file, copy and paste the dat for the original svcplus so you will have two. now change the name of one for svc plus blue or any name and then the target romset to svcplus"blue" or the name of your choice.

in this way you will be able to paly both whitout repalce the original. it is the same as the original but the colors lokk great, also kyo has a new nice color :D


ok boys here is the p1



direct download




Edited by goldenboy
Posted (edited)
  goldenboy said:



to be honest i hate all these hacks and i think they are stupid.


do not hate it, they are not stupid, they are creative and different, that is all!! (respect your opinion, no offence)


for all of you who would like to try the blue version, cause you alredy are sick and tired of the original or just want to change colors as if is in one menu, here is the blues version hack made by jeff.

for best result follow the next procedures.

make a copy of the svcplus roms and rename it svcplus"blue" or any name then in that put the hacked blued p1, then in your dat file, copy and paste the dat for the original svcplus so you will have two. now change the name of one for svc plus blue or any name and then the target romset to svcplus"blue" or the name of your choice.

in this way you will be able to paly both whitout repalce the original. it is the same as the original but the colors lokk great, also kyo has a new nice color :)


ok boys here is the p1


jeffs page the creator







oh it is a pretty blue . how nice it looks




seems more like a messed up rom to me . no offence :)

Edited by james

Hey james, I've used your dat file but there is still no luck. I don't understand how you got your version to magically work. There are still bugs in the "Village in the Maniac World" stage. Red Arremmer is fine and everything, but when you play him in his world...not in versus, but the hell stage, there are sound and graphic issues.

I got my p1 from snkx.com and the sound patch as well, there seems to be so many different ones out there and no definitive perfect file.

Posted (edited)
  NeoMaster said:
Hey james, I've used your dat file but there is still no luck. I don't understand how you got your version to magically work. There are still bugs in the "Village in the Maniac World" stage. Red Arremmer is fine and everything, but when you play him in his world...not in versus, but the hell stage, there are sound and graphic issues.

I got my p1 from snkx.com and the sound patch as well, there seems to be so many different ones out there and no definitive perfect file.

i use mame



and so far you have not told me the crc for these roms you have.

Edited by james

269-v4.bin B57B4EA3

269-v3.bin F8810665

269-v2.bin 675159C3

269-v1.bin E7203930

269-s1.bin BC670454

269-p1.bin D005C51E

269-m1d.bin 7F01DAC5

269-c8.bin DE99E613

269-c7.bin 56AC5FB9

269-c6.bin 37371CA1

269-c5.bin BA2A7892

269-c4.bin A69D523A

269-c3.bin F4D4AB2B

269-c2.bin 3EB28F78

269-c1.bin 465D473B

Posted (edited)

Ok I just finished reading all 85 pages. Yes I did it and I must say damn that was a long read. What I need is an emulator like Mame32k (formerly known as UOMame) to run this game.


The reason is that Kawaks goes out of synch when I play on Kaillera. It only happens with Snk Vs Capcom. It feels like back in the days when Kawaks would desynch ever so often.


Most people here are focused on just getting the game running. But I enjoy playing online more than playing Vs the cpu. And it is really frustrating that the game goes out of synch in the first round. It’s quite easy to check just ask the person you are playing with who won the round (or the whole match). Most of the times he will say he won but on your screen it was you that beat him.


A friend of mine and myself even tried with the exact same configuration (only the rom path and button configuration was changed). That didn't help either. But I kind of knew that it wouldn't....


My only hope is that James or another person makes a driver that works for one of the Mame versions out there that already has Kaillera support build into the emulator. My favourite is still Mame32k version 0.64. But the newest 0.67 would also work fine (http://www.kaillera.com/ or http://emulators.at/uomame32k).


Currently I tried using Kawaks 1.45 and 1.46 online. My friend and I both have ping 40-45 (we both have Adsl) on the server so I know it's not a connection problem. And I also tried playing with a couple of other people on the server with the same result. The game goes out of synch. We all played the first version with the "Plus" text flashing and the 6 mid-bosses enabled (the one from around page 11-20 or so can't remember the number after reading so many pages).


All links to the original unhacked (the non “Plus” version without the mid-bosses enabled) are dead. Maybe (it’s a big maybe) netplay would work better using the original version (the one closest to the arcade game). But right now I think it's Kawaks that has the problem and not the rom. So the optimal thing really would be to use Mame (I think) for online play.


Yes I know Nebula has netplay support and it also works fine for me in offline singleplayer but here is why it's not that good when playing online: People just don't use it online. People use Kawaks or Mame. So if no one is using the emulator you are using then you won't be able to play with anyone. The other reason: For some odd reason Nebula would not detect my PS2 Pad when on Kaillera. But I didn't even bother trying to find out why because of the first reason. And I would much rather use Mame with kaillera support in hopes of it not desynching.



Edited by Helten
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