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QMC2 0.1.b11 released


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QMC2 is a Qt 4 based UNIX MAME frontend supporting both XMAME and SDLMAME.


This is release 0.1.b11 of QMC2, which we proudly present to the public!


QMC2 0.1.b11 is a major milestone on our way to a final 0.1 release. There are just a few features left which need to be implemented until 0.1 final can be released.


The current release includes a lot of bug fixes, some major improvements and many new and important features. The most important ones are:


* Import & export of global and game-specific MAME configurations

* PNG game icons

* Support for BIOS ROMs

* Gamelist cache (tremendous speed-up at reload)

* Support for alternative image sets

* Shortcut & GUI control key remapper


CHANGES - v0.1.b11, 24-DEC-2007

* fix = general bug fixes

* imp = improved functionality

* new = newly added functionality

* doc = documentation changes

* inf = informational only


v0.1.b11, 24-DEC-2007:


* fix: long timeout on exit for Qt 4.3+ fixed

* fix: fixed processing of BIOS ROMs due to changes to the XML output since MAME 0.117u2 (older MAME releases are still supported)

* fix: save & clear current game's MAME configuration on gamelist reload (if open)

* fix: reset horizontal scrollbars on log-updates (minor bug)

* fix: don't freeze GUI if MAME executable is specified incorrectly

* fix: correctly update ROM statistics for an individual ROM check (thanks to Christopher Stone for reporting this bug)

* fix: correctly honor custom color palettes for GUI styles (which can be setup with qtconfig)

* fix: minor translation fixes

* fix: corrected (hidden) selection of filtered games

* fix: worked around a Qt bug when POS1/Home is pressed and the first item in the gamelist is hidden due to ROM state filtering; QMC2 now selects the first VISIBLE entry instead

* fix: fixed several item selection bugs when changing between lists (gamelist, search results, favorites and play history) - note that this fix is only effective, if Qt 4.3+ is used

* fix: when switching back to the (full-detail) gamelist view, the next item selection issued by a mouse-click wasn't correctly recognized

* fix: corrected unwanted double paint-event when selecting games through the parent/clone hierarchy view

* fix: make MAME executable setting unchangeable during gamelist reload

* fix: avoid temporary game reselection when adding a game to the play history (at game start)

* fix: corrected focus issues when switching between lists

* fix: when the ROM state filter was setup to hide ALL states, QMC2 crashed under certain circumstances

* fix: corrected save/restore of game selection in the case that ALL ROM states are filtered

* fix: corrected build issues due to type-ambiguity on certain 32-bit platforms (like Win32)

* imp: SDLMAME options-template updated to 0.122 (several new settings, some removed or replaced)

* imp: added Qt version, selected MAME target and language code to greeting string (see frontend log)

* imp: removed some useless/annoying tool tips

* imp: build: alphabetical output for make help and make config

* imp: ghost image scaled down by 50% (faster)

* imp: several layout improvements for configuration dialog

* imp: delay search by 250ms so it doesn't hamper the user when he/she is quickly typing a pattern

* imp: speed up for ROM state filter by iterating over the internal gamelist item map instead of the QTreeWidget itself

* imp: exchanged QAction::activated() with QAction::triggered()

* imp: code cleanup / macro consolidation (see macros.h)

* imp: faster game selection by search, favorites and history lists

* imp: delay game preview/flyer/config updates by a configurable amount of milliseconds to better sync to item selection in all lists

* imp: change to gamelist tab if F5 or F6 is pressed

* new: import/export from/to mame.ini/gamename.ini (SDLMAME) and xmamerc/gamenamerc (XMAME)

* new: added ROMAlyzer script from Carsten Engel (see scripts/romalyzer.pl) - WORK IN PROGRESS

* new: BIOS ROMs are now also supported (but obviously cannot be run); the ROM status icon will contain a white "B" to indicate that this is a BIOS (when using the classic image set)

* new: determination of MAME and configuration template version (see frontend log)

* new: added gamelist cache to speed up reload process; the cache will be automagically recreated if the MAME version changes or QMC2 thinks the cache is invalid / out-of-date

* new: added optional sample-path setup to welcome dialog

* new: added new setting RetryLoadingImages: if unset, QMC2 will cache the ghost image where no images were found (default: true, current behaviour)

* new: added new setting StandardColorPalette: if unset, QMC2 will use the custom palette which may have been setup with qtconfig (default: true, current behaviour)

* new: image set support - select at compile time with new IMGSET variable (default "classic", alternative image sets "crazy" and "crazy-black" by Armin Schmidhuber)

* new: added new setting AutoTriggerROMCheck: if set, QMC2 will automatically trigger a ROM check if neccessary (default: false, current behaviour)

* new: reload gamelist automatically if MAME executable changes

* new: added new setting UpdateDelay; controls the delay in milliseconds between a game's selection and the update of its preview, flyer or MAME configuration

* new: if Qt 4.3+ is used, QMC2 will now save & restore the header states of all tree-widgets, except the game specific MAME configuration widget which is too temporary to be valuable for save/restore

* new: added remap function for shortcuts & GUI control keys

* doc: todo: define missing features for 0.1 final, add planned features for 0.2 series

>> Get it HERE.

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