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Do not let a few lolz and wassup nigga posts stop you all from posting.

I believe I am the main source of those "wassup niggas."

You feel the sarcasm! :clapping: Seriously, you need to stop doing that

Actually, I do feel that I am the main source of them. I'm serious. :D (because we don't have a more accurate emote)

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huh, interestnig


as for me, I tend to be more of a replier than a thread creater, and as of late i haven't been in the mood to make anything interesting. I mean maybe a funny thread here and there. That's just how I am... I mean I'm the type of person that doesn't post things that are "deep" or "meaningful." I tend to post stuff that's funny, and if not that, I post stuff to help people out, or if I disagree with someone I will call it out. That's how I am, and always will be. One problem with this place I think is that it's a bit too heavily moderated. I mean the first sign of any flaming becomes a lock/warn fest and I don't think it should be that way. being babysat all the time with censorship make the place just more dull. I mean I'm not asking for something that's "/b/" level, but you mods/admins all need to lighten the flock up and let us have a bit of fun attacking each other a bit and let off some steam. Oh yeah, and for flock sake, turn the damn swear filter off already! Most people want it gone. All that filter is doing is hurting the community...



(my quality response)


Can't believe I missed this.


That was hilarious and it is a cool emote.


I was gonna post a pic of Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo but I'm too lazy so y'all now have to imagine.


Now its my turn...


I have so much to say. As this is my first forum experience, and I only just joined at October 7th, my birthday, I have a unique perspective.


When I joined, it was because the feel of the site. There are alot of cool people here, and vast amounts of information that I seek. Even though there are so many walks of life, we are united under a common interest, games. Yea yea, emulation is the focus, but games are the actual focal point. ( I don't care how cheesy that sounds, but it's true...(( not a word about cheese Davis... ))) My girl joined because I was always here, and she wanted to be a part of it too. She knows virtually nothing about emulation, but is an avid gamer. But we are all different, and sometimes in an extreme way. We probably have every conceivable variation of personality. And alot of people, ( in general ) are quite close minded, as they only see they're side. For me, someone who lives in Central Florida, diversity is commonplace. There is someone from EVERYWHERE here. I have been enriched by multifariousness, introduced to so many ways of life. I believe I am one of the most diverse people out there. I wont go into elaborate detail, but I have seen it all, and lived through a great deal.


There are alot of generalized posts, ( In the Lounge ) and sometimes they do lack in terms of... content. But thats alright, because sometimes you just wanna ask something simple, or make a quick observation. etc. But sometimes a thread comes along, that interests a large amount of us. But often gets forgotten, or overlooked. Sometimes, I just don't feel like posting, and sometimes I feel the threads have nothing of interest, for me to respond to. I'm sure thats where alot of us are coming from. But it seems as if alot of you veterans, are burnt out: seen it all. And I can imagine what it's like, when something you enjoy, becomes a chore, or bothersome. Since this is pretty new to me, I guess I have a fresh take on all of this. I always hit this site, every night. Just to see what is happening. And lately... this past month or so, I really slowed down in regards to how I started out. I am participating in a minimalists way. I am often occupied, and don't have the time to get into something deep, like creating a new (serious) thread. But I try my best to participate, and keep things going.


Also, about being "off topic" There is a natural flow to conversation, that is emulated in the posts. Going back and forth, covering certain angles of various related, or chain/related aspects of any given topic. But sometimes it spirals uncontrollably. At any rate, some people get agitated, some get disinterested, some try to antagonize and/or flame, and then there are those who try they're damnedest to keep "it" alive.


I am new to forums. I told FatalRose this and he was shocked. Apparently I come off as a veteran. But it just boils down to, me being a talkative person, and have had alot of things happen in my life. I wanted to make a list of things I wanted to thread, but never got around to it. I wanted to release threads intermittently, that way I can always keep something going, at all times ( for the most part ) Some of you may remember some of my threads. Recomendations for Older PC Games / Unexplained things ... / Sleepwalking or Talking in your sleep I think of something, and thread it, as I don't have to wait for the right opportunity to talk about anything, like when you are with your friends or whatever. I thought my threads listed here were great in content, but died quickly. ( With exception to the old PCgames thread ) Perhaps it was due to them just slipping through the cracks, or perhaps nobody had any like experiences to contribute. Or maybe some just didn't give a damn about the topic anyway. I'm sure there are various reasons why they died, but that is how it goes. The cycle. I appreciate the submissions that were posted. Except one in particular of course....


And that brings me to the next point. Ass hats. That is a small problem we are facing. Those who have their head so far up their ass, it could pass as a hat. Sometimes you catch someone on their bad side, and it is bound to happen. While others are more prone to being crass or witless. And there are those who care for nothing but themselves, and show just how deficient they really are. Some talk down to others, as if they are actually better... And I have even seen behavior, where the only purpose, is to get under peoples skin. And once that happens, it fuels their contemptible, despicable, disgraceful, loathsome, and reprehensible behavior. It defects, or even taints the site.I have yet to respond in full against posts of the like, as all it does is agitate the situation, and induce more drivel. And at any rate, these posts are better left forgotten, as they are Nugatory: 1. Of no real value; trifling; worthless. 2. Of no force or effect; ineffective; futile; vain. 3. Not valid.


So far in my time here in 1emulation, I have only contributed In lounge conversation. But sooner or later I will be creating Skins, or GUI's. Not that we need any new ones, but I would like to share with any who like them. And by the way, I think I will take requests for those who like my work. Hmmmmm. Perhaps I might get on this soon. I am a novice in terms of the technical aspect of emulation, as I don't study the workings of them. So other than my lounge posts and threads, Art is the only way I can contribute to the overall value of the site. But what I am doing, and intend to do soon, is summed up into, me just doing my best. I will be here at the capacity that I have been, and am happy to hear all the positive feedback from you guys. And thank you by the way Wizerd. I'm glad I am viewed as a positive force at 1emulation. I have also viewed the views of Gryph, among many others, (don't want to drop names and look like I'm trying to make myself look popular) But thank you guys for your compliments.


Well thats my take. I intend to keep it up, and I hope that things turn out to your liking. In terms of where the site is going.


Excellent post Belthasar. I think it covers pretty much everything of what goes on on an Internet forum.

And that brings me to the next point. Ass hats. That is a small problem we are facing. Those who have their head so far up their ass, it could pass as a hat. Sometimes you catch someone on their bad side, and it is bound to happen. While others are more prone to being crass or witless. And there are those who care for nothing but themselves, and show just how deficient they really are. Some talk down to others, as if they are actually better... And I have even seen behavior, where the only purpose, is to get under peoples skin. And once that happens, it fuels their contemptible, despicable, disgraceful, loathsome, and reprehensible behavior. It defects, or even taints the site.I have yet to respond in full against posts of the like, as all it does is agitate the situation, and induce more drivel. And at any rate, these posts are better left forgotten, as they are Nugatory: 1. Of no real value; trifling; worthless. 2. Of no force or effect; ineffective; futile; vain. 3. Not valid.


Welcome to the Internet.


I was gonna post this pic: babyshampoojultlu5.jpg of baby shampoo but I'm too lazy so y'all now have to imagine.




i think this is spam.


Leave the filtering to the moderators dude.


Anyways, I'm unsure as to what you'd consider "good" post quality - I'm new and view the lounge as just a bunch of dudes (and ladies) talking about random things. Now not everyone will be interested in certain topics, but that's not the fault of anyone in particular.


As for site activity, I've been in forums since I was thirteen or fourteen and think the heavy filtering and moderating may be an issue with random visitors. Not filtering much could also be a problem and often causes veteran site posters to leave... anyway, indifference causes quality to go down a lot.

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