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Sleepy Hollow, Deep impact and Transformer 2 on bluray.


Movie marathon with wife <_<


The Crazies.


Reminded me of Resident Evil 2.




Riddley scotts "A good year"


I saw the trailer and it had russel crow in it so I thought "he is normally in great films" so I gave it a whirl.


It was a great film, the main character is a prick at first and bugs you somewhat - then he inherates a chateau in southern fucking france, when he gets there its all awesome and country side and shit like that.

He gets stuck there for a week - everyone woman in this film was beautiful I was so fucked off - all they do is sit around drinking fine red wine, riding motorbikes in he country side free as a bird - it was like watching my dreams for the future knowing i'll probably never get to do anything like that, tending to "vine yards" falling in love, eating awesome food...

What a fucking face rub... Assfucks.


Then I watched Jet LI In kiss of the dragon - pretty good.




I thought life sucked, but I started feeling a lot better about it after watching this movie.


the Crazies. I liked it.

The Descent.


Groundhog day - that movie is still the dogs bollocks.


Ned!!! PUNCH!


The maytricks reloaded - don't care what anyone says all the matrix movies ruled - some cheese in between but what the hell.


Brooklyn's Finest.


Made Wesley Snipes actually seem like a decent actor and not a joke has-been.




Young Guns. Haven't seen it in so long. it used to be a favorite of mine. still good but other westerns have come along that I like more.


Airheads. funny rock and roll movie.


Austin Powers (original) still way too silly funny. the other 2 weren't near as good.


last movie I saw was A Serious Man


The protagonist in this movie was like the anti-dude (as in The Dude) and the point to this movie was very clear and well-written.



the departed, check it out when you can.


Really turns your cogs - but when you look through the plot its actually quite basic with clever characters designed to make you think "up in the air"

Di caprio as a bad ass made me lol -

Old jacky boy plays a great roll.

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