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I just watched Gone Baby Gone because I heard it was good. I'm still on the fence, I can't decide if it was full of genuine emotion/issues with solid writing, or this fake emotional bullshit hollywood has been feeding us. Since its hard to tell, It's at least a good attempt. FULL of plot holes/barely developed characters though, which makes me think the latter of the two. There was some pretty good acting though thanks to a decent cast.


Thats one down, two to go. My list of movies to see recently was as follows and in this order (but isn't working out that way) because I heard they where a nice change from all the crap thats been coming out.


1. There Will Be Blood

2. No Country For Old Men

3. Gone Baby Gone


On another note, completely hypocritical of what I've written above depending on how you look at it, I saw Rambo.


I saw Rambo flocking TWICE. The First showing of the first day it was out, and then the first showing of the second day it was out. I skipped all my classes that day for this.


If you watch it as a movie on its own, its alright.


This is how I watched it the first time, Just wanted to enjoy how this movie set new standard for violence in movies, Rambo alone kills 236 men on screen. Many more are killed by other people, incredibly realistic too, flocking amazing action sequences. All that sick crap you see the people from Burma involved in is NOT made up either, They captured the essence of Burma pretty well, probably still not enough, its flockED UP in Burma, I'd even go as far as to say Afghanistan isn't crap compared to Burma. Which is probably why the US hasn't forced itself into the issue yet, It would be worse than Vietnam. So it wasn't really just mindless violence for the sake of mindless violence. I also thought they captured the annoying essence of those damn bible thumper people pretty damn spot on. They actually reminded me of people I know in real life, with their flocking attitudes /ramble ramble


The second time I watched it as part of the series, and I have to say, If you know what Rambo is really supposed to be about/the statements behind it/all that, Its a pretty damn good movie. (It probably helps a lot to read the books) Especially the ending. That was the best possible ending for Rambo, So satisfying. The movie avoided corniness pretty well too which is hard to do in an action movie these days. Some parts even tasteful, for instance Stallone didn't insist on taking his shirt off at all, No one had to see that crap, and he probably knew no one wanted to. (Although he didn't look that bad in Rocky Balboa)


Hes being pressured to make another one, But I really hope he doesn't no matter how badly I want to see more Rambo, because this one was done so well. It looks like he doesn't want to either.


Better judgment tells me to give Rambo an 8/10, But I'm going to give it a 9/10 anyway, and you'll never see me give anything a 10/10. Being into film so much, I'm supposed to hate this film I guess, but I can't, I'm sorry but once you get past everyones stupid Stallone is old/Rambo is mindless/other stupid comments, It's really not a bad film/series. It's just become one of those things that are cool to make fun of I guess. Stallone KILLED Brice Willis's Die Hard comeback. Honestly the only thing missing was the colonel, but the actor who plays him died, so it would have been impossible to do it right, its like when they replaced Desmond Llewelyn as Q in James Bond movies, it worked, but not nearly as well, and they needed someone as legendary as John Cleese to pull it off at all.


And is anyone else shitting themselves over The Dark Knight yet? They are doing EVERYTHING right, If you loved the comic books, and hated all the movies/cartoons because of their inaccuracies, This is the movie to see. Christian Bale is the best Batman ever, Heath Leger captured the true insaneness of the Joker so well that he said it was beginning to disturb him (possible connection to what happened, theres mysteries deletions of this quote all over the place), A real Joker, Not that piece of crap in the other movie (It was played extremley well, but it was not the joker, sorry!), they are introducing Two Face for the next movie. Holy crap, What more could you want? The cast/story/writing/everything is spot on. Even Michael Caine as Alfred,Gary Oldman as Gordon, Morgan Freeman being involved at all with anything, how perfect. Holy crap, I just can't stop exploding with praise for this movie, I just can't find anything wrong with it.


For those of you that don't understand what the Joker is supposed to be like, correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't read the comic in a long ass time so there might be slight deviations, but it goes something like this. The Joker kills the commissioners daughter, chops her up into pieces, takes pictures, and then sends the pictures to the commissioner AS A JOKE. THATS how flocked up the Joker is supposed to be.


Thanks for reading, I don't get to post that often anymore, but I try to stuff as much content in as possible when I can.



wow. 9/10 easy. prolly the most visually beautiful movie in years. I can't believe it didn't see a touted theatrical run. but I guess 3 hour historical westerns can't compete with giant monsters and teen comedies. Pitt and Affleck gave huge performances and Brad Pitt has finally won my respect. I never really cared for him before but this movie changed my mind. If you think Film as art is dead then you need to see The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.



edited in some more thoughts.

wow. 8/10 easy. prolly the most visually beautiful movie in years. I can't believe it didn't see a theatrical run. but I guess historical westerns can't compete with giant monsters and teen comedies.

k you won. I'll have a look @ rental. Rather enjoying Pitt's additional roles.


wow. 8/10 easy. prolly the most visually beautiful movie in years. I can't believe it didn't see a theatrical run. but I guess historical westerns can't compete with giant monsters and teen comedies.

k you won. I'll have a look @ rental. Rather enjoying Pitt's additional roles.

be prepared. it a near 3 hour movie.

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