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Rosemary's Baby.


Not as scary as I had hoped, nope.


V for vendetta.


Hugo weaving plays a crazy ass ex government guinea pig and sets the tone nicely for the 5th of november, the movie is set in england and basically he fucks up the entire government.

I only wish this would happen right now.

Boondock Saints II - most disappointing sequel ever.


How so, the first one sucked ass.

I never watched the first... but I had to cut the 2nd one off. It was utter shit.


Watched a few recently. Seems as if Inky is going through Netflix as alot of the movies he mentions is new stuff released by Netflix streamable.


Event Horizon; amazing how far CG has come in 13 years

SuperNova; Lame as I remember, had the gay kid from "My so called life" (I had to IMBD that) Robin Tunney had some nice tits

Star Trek; Oh my gawd... This directors cut was filled with scenes that shoulda been cut... this movie is filled with retardedness. I love Star Trek TNG and anything since then. I can handle the ST movies but this first one is utter shit. Its mostly filled with shit that just doesnt make sense. From scene to scene nothing makes sense... right from the start. "Mr Spock, Its how we all feel" The writing and directing are beyond trash.

Star Trek: Remake; Now this move was filled with sillyness but it was good enough to watch. The visual effects are top notch and the director did his job well. Syler made a good Spock. Bones Scotty and Spock were far better than Kirk. I recommend this move, its not bad


The new star trek is fucking awesome, i wasnt expecting anything at all and was surprised how good it was.


I can get into TNG and DS9 but as far as I'm concerned the rest is shit. I don't even like TOS. Maybe just because I fucking hate shatner.


I didn't like the Boondock Saints either. Its one of those bro movies. It sits on the shelf in between Donnie Darko and American History X and the brosef will ramble on about how deep and well directed these masterpieces are while pounding keystones.

Boondock Saints II - most disappointing sequel ever.


How so, the first one sucked ass.

I never watched the first... but I had to cut the 2nd one off. It was utter shit.


Watched a few recently. Seems as if Inky is going through Netflix as alot of the movies he mentions is new stuff released by Netflix streamable.



I quite like the first Boondock Saints.


and yeah, since Netflix made it's latest deal with Lionsgate and Paramount, the new releases are flooding in. some of my favorite b-horrors just got added. Subspecies 1 and 2. watching them tonight.

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