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Yeah i think in some cases its not so bad what gets me is assholes on the street that take it, they are already insecure chumps so they pump roids in to them selfs?

Bad combination.


The yes men change the world.



It was so shit to watch new Orleans have those houses and they couldn't move into them, pathetic.


Iron man 2 - if you take away the story it was just CGI of robots fighting.

Paltorws charecter annoyed the shit out of me!!!

Stark was extra Arrogant this time round and found his charecter annoying at the start.

Miky rourke was bad ass.


Bad guys motivation was the usual "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!!!!"

Predators again it was a good movie


Cinema? I check every day for a quality rip of this.


Edit R5 hit today.



Now just that dam inception to go.

Nightmare on elm street even on dvd this movie blows


Robert england would be hard to replace the guy knew the role exceedingly well and could go from scary to funny in he same scene.

Freddy still gives me that feeling I need to sit next to my dad on the sofa while watching it.

Im a wuss bag with scary movies always have been.


Paranormal activity genuinely freaked me out and i couldn't sleep for a few nights.


I not caught up on my movies at all. I've been restricting myself to netflix only at work. and starting next week I get promoted and will actually have to work for my paycheck. no movie marathons at work anymore.


Its good you got promoted.

My mum got promoted 9 tears ago she go like a quid more and a shit load more responsibilitys.

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