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Posted (edited)

the new indy movie was indeed awesome .

i just watched Burn after Reading its like a sienfield + always sunny in philledelphia + curb your enthusiasm episode all rolled into one


oh and one of my favorite actors totally gets shot in the face i wont spoil it for those who havent seen it.

Edited by mtsaint
the new indy movie was indeed awesome .

i just watched Burn after Reading its like a sienfield + always sunny in philledelphia + curb your enthusiasm episode all rolled into one


oh and one of my favorite actors totally gets shot in the face i wont spoil it for those who havent seen it.

Is it just me or did the Coen brothers didn't really go all out production wise for their movie this year?


The happening. 8/10


I downloaded it about a week ago out of boredom, and people every place were saying it sucked ass.

So I sat down to watch it not expecting too much and it entertained me, I even figured out the real reason people just killed them selfs and some did not.

Some of the acting is gay.

But the plot works great.


It was actually quite creepy. Especially the old woman at the end who nutted three windows through.


Demons. campy old spanish horror with bad dubbing = excellent.

I don't know how many times I have quoted Toni the pimp since the first time I watched this movie in high school.

Posted (edited)

I thought I'd give a run down on three documentaries I saw...



First one I saw was Religulous with Bill Maher





What's there to say... he does what he does best: gets into conversation tailor made for him and either makes the religious seem like complete idiots or makes them seem like the most informed people walking the Earth depending on their beliefs, status, and what the situation may be. In the end he has a monologue that would make even the skeptical squirm!



Next, I saw Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed with Ben Stein





The film was overdeveloped and the silver bearing's mark was extremely evident; though I wonder if it was just a dramatic effect? Either way, this goes head on into its purpose of putting down the theory of evolution and uses tailor made sources to help the total verbal destruction.


Afterwards, I re-watched Judgment Day: Intelligent Design On Trial





The thing I like about PBS is they try and make it seem as though there's no agenda behind certain broadcasts when it's completely clear through conflicting data that each backing has its own purpose behind its funding. What I like even more is that this was probably the most well balanced out of the films. What's funny is that a nearly minute segment of the Ben Stein film commented on this Dover Penn court case that did exactly what it did (the more humorous is that they tried flipping exactly what had happened though the facts were corroborated by both parties years beforehand in a documentary).



It's quite obvious as to what's going on with the Bill Maher video, but what I am still having problems figuring out is the Ben Stein film as it beats around the bush throughout as to its true purpose. Is it merely satire to amuse us and show a close up picture as to what dogma and skepticism brings to the table? There's no clear agenda other than bashing Evolution, and the fact that there's absolutely no definition or definite answer as to a scientific substitution proves it's not a film to be taken seriously: especially by those of us more informed in the subject as a whole (or, for that matter, those of us that know the background of each of the people interviewed which is evidently subject to an extremely high amount of scrutiny with unsurprising reason). After watching the PBS/Nova film, I couldn't help but feel either totally manipulated, tricked, conned, silly, and still confused by Expelled. Is this all just some major trick that a subtle comedic master is playing on me, or is the producer/director/writer/backer that bent on single argument half-truths with the facade of "freedom of inquiry" in order to somehow decline a growing trust in science? I'm not completely curious in understanding as it wasn't as groundbreaking as I was lead to believe, just extremely upsetting that a film would go that out-of-the-way to manipulate (or, if it is indeed satire, then it accomplished it's purpose and deserves immense amount of credit). Its rating hangs in the balance, and as they briefly touch Hitler, I do as well since had it not been a satire then they're not far off from he whom they aren't afraid to call evil in the film.


Religulous: Worth a watch. Will rile you up, make you upset no matter what you believe, and is openly combatant. Whether or not Maher is agreed with, or if his methods be right or wrong, the bigger picture is that he wants to upset anyone and everyone and be positive that we're not just some self-fulfilling species plaguing this Earth. Repetition taken into account, I give it a 7/10.


Expelled: Beats around the bush, gives no definition to creationism (Intelligent Design), only bashes, attempts to make it seem that there's some fictitious war against religion and ID in science... add on film being over exposed by silver bearing in film processor totally annoying me... no rating whatsoever besides the "Can you believe this bull" breaks. I can't bring it to myself that even someone that has religious sentiments would buy into such obvious Nazi-like anti-scientific propaganda. And maybe upsetting people that know some about these subjects are supposed to get angry and stand up against the big bad Discovery Institute or Big Fat Liars that claim they were FIRED from editorship when in reality, six months before editing in said "controversial subjects", they resigned, or, even when said "unbiased accounts for journalistic purposes" are taken while it's quite transparent that subjects are being fully endorsed. What's sad is there's so much more that if it isn't a total social satire it deserves a 0/10. And if it was... it would deserve a perfect 10/10 just for making it seem that my intelligence was THAT insulted.


Judgment Day: It tries hard not to be propaganda and to be as informative as possible. It comes with clickable links to arguments for and against each side, court transcripts, and everything else a basic documentary needs. I'll give it an 8/10 since it tries to be as unbiased... and what's funny is their reporter sounds to be as neutral as possible and didn't lose her job as the infamous Ms. Winnick had.

Edited by Salorskin

it was Halloween so had to hit the classic horrors:

Night of the Living Dead (1969) I've never seen the 1990s remake.

Dawn of the Dead (the remake)


I wil be watching tropic thunder tonight. (DVD rip) I'll let ya know if it wins teh prize.

I wil be watching tropic thunder tonight. (DVD rip) I'll let ya know if it wins teh prize.


It fails to lol me :(.

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