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It does suck watching movies on a portable device (My PSP for example).


I love watching movies on a nice tv with surround, It's the best.

Ya know, he kinda failed to put out some reasons as to why it would be "such a sadness"...

I presume because it is a slap in the face to cinematographers who go to great lengths to set up beautiful camera shots that need to be seen on a bigger screen to be appreciated. He's an artsy type film maker so that's important to him. You're being cheated because you are unable to experience the shots as they were meant to be presented.


UM.....why the flock does he care!?

Um...because he's flocking David Lynch, an amazing filmmaker even though a lot of his stuff can be quite strange.


Ya know, bro, if the film's good, I'll watch it again in the best quality available on the net. Otherwise, I could care less. That just sounds like "watch my movies that way, so you can better see the good parts, so that rest of it doesn't look that crappy".


While I'm not pro watching movies on mobile phones, who the fvck is? I mean, the only movies I watched like that, were on my iPod or PSP, and there's a lot of difference.


indeed, I agree 100% and I've always hated watching movies on small screens. Its just annoying, if not for the artistic aspects, the technical ones.


Heres something you might find interesting




Thats an original hand pulled poster for Eraserhead that I have. Probably worth a lot of money.


EDIT: The sound was messing up for me on that vid, if it doesn't work for anyone else try this one



I watch movies on my sansa all the time.. and I hook my 5.1 surround sound speakers to it >_> what am I missing?

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