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I already have DSOrganize and DS2Key on my flash card, but I haven't had full success with Win2DS. I have my settings ready and it finds my router, but when I actually try to connect, nothing happens. It just says "waiting...". I'm guessing you don't have to DLDI patch it, and I've gone through the process a few times. Is there an order of opening the PC app first or what? Your help is appreciated greatly, thanks.


open the pc app first and start it.... also if ur ip simply ends with .2

then the ip u put into the ds should be .002

i once had this problem but monkeynz helped me through it

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

If you change the number at the end of your ip address for games you need to keep it the same as your pc ip. I had the same problem as you and then tried this and it worked.


it could be your router is like those hotel ones where it doesnt give all the information so a laptop would make it.

the ds doesn't have this

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