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This was possible for quite some time.


The things you will need are,


1. The game of course. "Ver B"

2. The latest game patch. click here

3. The app "MB Caster" which will allow players to directly connect to play. click here

4. A virtual drive (optional)


.:Step 1:.


Get the game and install it. if you happen to download it, (no I wont tell you where, ask your friend google), use a virtual drive like DAEMON TOOLS to install the game by mounting the image file to the virtual drive.

After the game is installed lets do a test run to see if it works properly.


When starting the game, a window similar to this will open,




For better online play, its best to set the colors to 16bit. IMO there is really no difference ingame between 16bit and 32bit. atleast I dont see it, anyway if you want to play full screen, choose the setting i labled in the image. it will be set to full screen by default. I prefer windowed but thats just me.


To configure your pad, click the pad1 button and set the buttons from there.


After that click ok and your settings will be saved, then the game will load.


Next after the game has loaded and the menu selection appears, hightlight and select option.




In the option screen, highlight "StageBGType" and change it to simple.




go to exit and close the game.

With those settings the changes of a desync is very low and the game play will be much smoother.


.:Step 2:.


Ok, now we have the game working properly, we need to patch the game to its latest version. Download the latest game patch from the links above in this post, extract the files to the same directory the game is in.


C:\Program Files\EcoleSoftware\MBACWIN


then click the setup.exe and a window like this should open,




if you extracted the files in the same directory as the game itself then there is no need to browse for the directory, click the apply button and the game will be patched to the latest version applying some minor fixes.


Now when you play the game, it should say "MELTY BLOOD Act Cadenza Ver.1.03A on the topp left side of the window. If it doesn't, either you used the wrong patch or obviously flocked up somewhere.


.:Step 3:.


Now we have both the game installed properly with the right settings, and patched to its current version, whats left is to connect and play.

In the links above at the start of this post, download MB Caster, the latest version from that link.

Extract the folders into the games directory and remove the files from the folder named exe to the main directory.


Now run mbcaster by clicking on it, you should see a window like this,




The person who will act as the host needs to press 1 then enter. then you will see "Now waiting for access..."

while thats going on , the host needs to give player 2 his/her ip so player 2 can connect to player 1.

http://whatsmyip.org will come in handy at this point for a quick way to obtain your ip.


Player 2 must press 2 then enter, then they will see " Input Target IP>

When that is displayed, enter player ones ip and press enter.


If a connection is made, player 1 should see a line asking to set a delay value, always use the recommened value displayed. press the delay number, should be either 3 or 4 then press enter.


The game should start and go right into vs mode to select a your character.



A third Player can join the game but only as a spectator. To do that, player 1 and 2 must of already made a connection, then player 3 can enter player 1's ip to connect and observe player 1 and 2 fighting.


Other than that, Happy Online Gaming!

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