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DSP 0.8 released


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Sinclair Spectrum emulator


01/22/2008: New version DSP 0.8!!

• General

+ENHANCE: Simplified audio system, converted to 16bits and better sample system.

+BUG: M6809 - Fixed a bug on indexed mode. SonSon works again.

+NEW: At last, a real YM2203 emulator!!!

+ENHANCE: Updated to Zip forge 4.0

+ENHANCE: Updated to SDL v1.37 library

+ENHANCE: General code clean and external objects used.

• Spectrum

+ENHANCE: Enhanced contended memory on 48k, 128k y +3 (or not!).

• Black Tiger

+NEW: Implemented sound

• Ghost'n'Goblins

+NEW: Sound, added Z80 cpu.

• SonSon:

+BUG: Corrected sound speed.

• Commando:

+NEW: FM sound and corrected audio speed.

>> Get it HERE.

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