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RB or GH3?  

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Hey guys, after I get home from vacation in 2 weeks I'm going to have the choice of buying either RockBand or Guitar Hero 3. My parents said they would pay for half of RockBand but I just don't know which I like better.


Rock Band. I've heard that Guitar hero III isn't as good as the prequels.

But what would I know?


Guitar Hero 3


There are more crap songs on Rock Band


Guitar Hero III is more fun if you're gonna play by yourself using a guitar.


Rock Band CAN be fun if you get the whole band thing going, but the guitar parts in RB are definitely more boring than GH3's.


I'd say go GH3. Remember that GH3's Les Paul is compatible with RB, but not the other way around.


First I'd like to know how GH3 ain't as good as it's prequels. And it better not be because of how the lead singer looks either.


This was hard for me to choose as I've played the sh!t out of both.


Rock Band is only truly good if you have a group. It'll get boring if you play solo real quick like. Plus you have to play all the songs to beat it unlike the GH games where you can at least skip one song in each tier. RB does actually teach you how to handle each instrument and how to get better at it. RB also has some great songs and awesome downloadable ones as well. Has a dull look towards the game. Faith No More. Some songs on here are also on GH3 except you also get to play the other instruments.


GH3 is alot more entertaining. The downloadable songs are sh!t. To unlock all songs in the game you have to play co-op to unlock about 5 or 6 songs. Alot more colorful. Don't have to play all songs to beat the game thus not having to endure as much of a headache. A better, sturdier guitar that can be used with RB.








Pick your poison.

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