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XBLA download limit causing SSF2T:HD Remix problemsBy Wesley Yin-Poole - 30/01/2008 - 11:19am GMT


Could cramming 1080p graphics and remixed soundtrack within XBLA file limit lead to differences between XBLA and PSN versions?


The man behind Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix has admitted that the XBLA game-size limit imposed by Microsoft is causing development problems, sparking concern that there may be differences between the XBLA and PSN versions of the game when it is finally released.


Capcom is currently working on a HD Remix version of Super Street Fighter 2, to be released on XBLA and PSN at some point this year. Changes include a remixed soundtrack, character rebalancing and completely redrawn 1080p graphics. The game will also come bundled with the classic version of SSF2T for die-hard fans.


Speaking exclusively to VideoGamer.com, SSF2T:HD Remix director David Sirlin revealed that developer Backbone is struggling to fit the new HD graphics into the 150MB Xbox LIVE download limit and admitted that including remixed music as well as the original music is proving "difficult or impossible".


When asked whether the 360 download limit was causing any problems, Sirlin said: "Yes, it's difficult to store so many 1080p graphics in such a small download size. A lot depends on the specific shading that the final art will have, and how well that shading compresses. It also makes it difficult or impossible to include all the original game's music AND all remixed set of music. We're still doing our best to fit within the limit we've been given."


Xbox 360 owners are sure to find Sirlin's comments worrying. It remains unclear whether there will be any telling differences between the two versions when the game is finally released. Tellingly, Sirlin did not mention any issues with PSN.


In the same interview, Sirlin also detailed major misgivings with the d-pad of both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation controllers, citing both as influencing factors behind the decision to make some special moves in SSF2T:HD Remix more forgiving.


Sirlin said: "In my opinion, one of the worst ideas inflicted on the Shoryukening gaming public was Sony's idea to turn the d-pad into four buttons with no diagonal piece. I hated it on the PlayStation. I hated it on the PlayStation 2. I hate it on the PlayStation 3. Microsoft's d-pad has a much better shape (including the diagonals) and yet somehow, it isn't any better in practice. There's something amiss about the mechanism underneath the Xbox 360's d-pad that makes it mysteriously imprecise. My final tally is that both d-pads tie for badness.


"This is at least part of the reason why some special moves are more forgiving in SSF2T:HD Remix. You should have an easier time using a d-pad in this game than in other Street Fighters such as SF2: Hyper Fighting, but if you really want to be a pro, my best advice is to get an arcade-style stick. I've been using the Hori DOA and VF5 Xbox 360 sticks throughout the development of the game."


Be sure to check out the rest of VideoGamer.com's exclusive interview with David Sirlin, where he reveals the secrets behind SSF2T:HD Remix rebalancing and why he isn't "dumbing down" everyone's favourite fighting game.


Are you worried Microsoft's XBLA game size limit will have an adverse affect on Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix? Tell us in the comments section below.


Link : http://www.videogamer.com/news/30-01-2008-7377.html


put out the original sound track as an additional free download. problem solved.

(nurato did the same thing for jap voice overs to save space on the dvd. so it is doable)

now release the damn thing. its actually good news they are starting to worry about file size. they must be getting close to release.


I can't wait for this game.I am a huge fan of Street Fighter.I would be good if they released Street Fighter 4 this year too.

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