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Atari 7800 emulator for PSP


Hi All,


Here is a new version of PSP7800 the Atari 7800 console emulator !


For those who haven't seen previous versions, ProSystem is the best emulator of Atari 7800 game console, running on Windows system. It has been written by Greg Stanton, see Greg's site for details.


What's new in version 1.1.2 :


- Major speed improvements (> 60 fps at 222Mhz) but limited at 50fps by default

- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off useful for games such as space Xevious ! On given games, the auto fire can't be stopped easily (so you might have to disable it several times)

- It uses now only PSP GU for rendering

- IR keyboard support (pretty useless, but don't forget, i'm a shadok)

- Add several new hotkeys :

. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)

. quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)

- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.

- Analog pad can be used in the rom file requester

- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)

- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog

>> Get it HERE.

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