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SNES emulator for the iPhone and iPod Touch


Straight from ZodTTD.com comes the worlds first Super Nintendo (SNES) emulator for the iPhone and iPod Touch! It's fast, it has save states, and features landscape and portrait mode! And best of all, it's now a public release.



I am working on implementing the assembly CPU core as well as add sound support, for the next release.


From the readme.txt:

* Firmwares before 1.1.3 SNES ROMs must go in /var/root/Media/ROMs/SNES/

* Firmwares at or above 1.1.3 SNES ROMs must go in /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/SNES/


Also note:

For firmware 1.1.3 users, it is recommended you change ownership of /var/mobile to user mobile by:

1. Log into your iPhone or iPod Touch with SSH user/pass: root/alpine

2. Run this command

chown -hR mobile /var/mobile

3. Thats it. Enjoy a much more stable and compatible 1.1.3!

>> Get it HERE.

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