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DS2Win Fusion v0.81b - February 14, 2008



DS2Win Fusion is a program designed to allow you to do ALL the things you could do with your PC, harnessing the

wireless capabilities and touch screen for maximum usability. Play movies, games and browse the net, check emails,

the sky is the limit! All you need is a windows PC and a wireless router or card.


This is an customized build of the Win2DS client and server, both the client and server have been enhanced

to provide new features, higher speed and service quality.


Note: This release will probably need to be DLDI patched before using (unless you have a R4DS like me and its done automatically)






server - fixed access violation when trying to use movie player and no videos could be found

client - fixed keyboard presses to work in directx games/applications again



>> Discussion thread HERE.

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