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Posted (edited)

It's Virginia Tech all over again! Florida attorney Jack Thompson has appeared on Fox News this morning as a "School Shooting Expert", blaming 27-year-old sociology grad Steven Kazmierczak's rampage yesterday at Northern Illinois University on - you guessed it - video games like Counter-Strike. Kazmierczak, identified only this morning, walked onto a lecture hall stage dressed in black and opened fire on a crowded science class, killing six students before taking his own life. As always, no evidence has been found linking Kazmierczak to video games.


I am sick and tired of these hot shot lawyers and big wig Congressmen saying every time that there is a shooting somewhere it has to be the fault of video games.

Let's not in anyway blame it on the child's up bringing. When they should be looking into the persons background first before the blurt it out on games.

It's not like there was never killings going on before video games was there?



Edited by Jitway

Him Again? Maybe if we ignore him he'll go away.


But consoledences to the parents and students of NIU. Knew someone who was there but turned out to be alright.


HEhee....SOmething just hit me.....

I'll save it fa lata...

But i send my grief to the families....

I hope they can make it through... God rest their hearts..


They should ban idiots like that from the US not only the shooter but people like Jack Thompson that jump on the wagon of a tragedy. Sad way to take the spotlight.


That nigga should die, flocking useless d!ck. W/e, it'll only change the opinions of the already stupid, and the already stupid are to stupid to do anything.


It was totally the fault of video games. It's so obvious. The fact that he had a mental condition that he stopped taking medication for two weeks prior to the shooting, at which point his behavior became reportedly erratic, is completely unrelated.


For a second there, I thought this was scientology's fault.


In all truth though, playing non-stop games of a certain genre will sub-consciously alter ur mind frame.

You'll be surprised how Un-Freaked you would be if u killed a man who entered your house and you been playing killing games all your life.

HOwever, the alter-rate is sooo small, you cant live long enough for it to have a drastic affect, unless there's another catalyst (mentally/emotionally disturbed) that pushes it 100 times faster to near insanity.

Mondo explained what was the overdrives in this case.

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