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When it comes to the Internet, no matter how overt and honest people are, we don’t want our privacy to be invaded. While President Bush may defend domestic eavesdropping, it doesn’t mean you should. Things have gone from bad to worse - why, we can’t even send an email without worrying about it being intercepted. Every site we visit, every facebook or hotmail login, every search in a browser - it’s all recorded, logged and saved in giant datastore farms, surreptitiously laying-in-wait for that one day where it’s all dragged out and thrown back in our faces. It’s anyone’s guess who’ll be granted access to this datamine down the road.


An exact copy of all Internet traffic that flowed through critical AT&T cables — e-mails, documents, pictures, Web browsing, voice-over-Internet phone conversations, everything — was being diverted to equipment inside the secret room,” - Mark Klein, a 20-year veteran for AT&T, referring to the sixth floor (secret room) in which the U.S. Government & NSA have unconditional access. According to Mr. Klein, there are 15 - 20 more buildings just like it across America, set up the same way. This is just the tip of the iceberg - there aren’t many whistleblowers like Klein that “leak” sensitive information such as this.


Whilst there’s not much one can do about Big Brother™ and his Orwellian cohorts from videotaping you at the local convenience store, or taking pictures of your licence plate at every street corner, or even RFIDing your next born - the least we can do is not let it happen to us in our own living room.


Here are a few tips for total anonymity within the Internet.


* Web Surfing

* Anonymous Chat

* Anonymous email

* Blog Anonymously

* Anonymous Hosting

* All-in-one Anonymity




I found this a very refreshing read and lots of good information about Anonymous tools out there. We all want to be safer on the web and not give Big Brother too much info on us. I have used Tor and VPN tunneling in the past. Tunneling worked well but tends to slow down the connection a bit. I hear that the pay tunneling sites are much faster but have never purchased on as of yet, maybe I will and report back on it, on a later date. But still much to learn and read here check it out.


Full Story HERE

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