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PocketNES beta 2008-03-08 released


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NES emulator


Compared with the previous alpha version:

Major bugfixes:

* Fixed the bug where the SRAM went back in time after entering the UI

* Fixed sprite collision when games don't update the sprite tables every frame (Bomberman 2 works again)

* Fixed a bug which may have caused sram corruption


No longer broken from alphas:

* Added the punchout hack back in

* Re-added PPU hack

* Re-added cheat finder


Minor bugfixes:

* Fixed a cheat finder bug (kept old cheats active after changing games)

* Fixed bug where savestates did not load correctly from previous alphas



* Changed IRQs for Mapper 69 [FME-7], (Mr. Gimmick, Return of the Joker...)

* Savestates now save sound information

>> Get it HERE.

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