Fatal Rose Posted March 15, 2008 Posted March 15, 2008 (9:25:19 PM) Ryan: Hello my friend(9:25:21 PM) Ryan: how are you?(9:25:26 PM) Solidius: im good (9:25:36 PM) Ryan: How old are you?(9:25:41 PM) Solidius: 30(9:26:20 PM) Ryan: How long have you been into emulation?(9:26:48 PM) Solidius: hm 8 yrs if not more.(9:27:01 PM) Ryan: How about video games in general?(9:27:24 PM) Solidius: no its more than 8 yrs its more like 11 or so for emultation (9:27:40 PM) Solidius: video games i would say since i was old enough to remember.(9:27:53 PM) Ryan: wow(9:28:01 PM) Ryan: All time favorite game?(9:28:36 PM) Solidius: very tough question, lets see i dont think i could slim it down to just one.(9:28:48 PM) Ryan: top five(9:30:06 PM) Solidius: in no particular order i would say, castlevania SON,metal gear solid,final fantasy 7,street fighter 2.(9:30:26 PM) Solidius: and (9:30:45 PM) Solidius: contra 3(9:31:01 PM) Solidius: damnit i put a period not a comma lol (9:31:09 PM) Ryan: Ever watch porn(9:31:18 PM) Solidius: im a man of course i do (9:31:31 PM) Ryan: how do you get your porn?(9:31:37 PM) Solidius: torrents (9:31:43 PM) Solidius: do u watch porn lol(9:32:03 PM) Ryan: haha(9:32:11 PM) Ryan: my friends have a collection(9:32:18 PM) Ryan: so yeah, they throw it on from time to time(9:32:24 PM) Ryan: I do nto collect it myself though(9:32:36 PM) Solidius: how many guys we talking about here watching at once(9:32:54 PM) Solidius: im not a collector i just watch one from time to to time then delete it (9:33:09 PM) Ryan: haha, i do the asking, that can be saved for when someone interviews me (9:33:27 PM) Solidius: lmao (9:33:42 PM) Solidius: i smell a circle jerk happening between u guys sick bastards (9:33:43 PM) Solidius: lol(9:33:49 PM) Ryan: HAHAHAH(9:34:05 PM) Ryan: Can you help me with this? http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...view=getnewpost(9:34:40 PM) Solidius: how old is your video card (9:34:48 PM) Ryan: no idea(9:34:52 PM) Ryan: we will get to that later(9:34:54 PM) Ryan: anyhow(9:35:04 PM) Ryan: how long have you been married?(9:35:10 PM) Solidius: 7 yrs(9:35:22 PM) Ryan: enjoy every minute of it?(9:35:45 PM) Solidius: lmao dont be retarded (9:36:26 PM) Ryan: hhahaha(9:36:30 PM) Solidius: i have enjoyed most of it but there has been some times i wanted to end things (9:36:56 PM) Ryan: What do you think of this? http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u136/Ni...Sun/myspace.jpg(9:37:33 PM) Solidius: wtf she left a turd in the toilet (9:37:45 PM) Ryan: hhahahahah(9:37:58 PM) Solidius: a big flocking turd at that so u know she does anal (9:38:04 PM) Solidius: your kind of girl lol (9:38:06 PM) Ryan: HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH(9:38:25 PM) Ryan: http://www.antipope.org/feorag/blogpix/nipple.JPG what about this?((9:39:59 PM) Solidius: just a weird guy holding his man breast (9:40:06 PM) Solidius: and enjoying it a lot (9:40:35 PM) Solidius: do you know him (9:40:51 PM) Ryan: haha no(9:40:58 PM) Ryan: its on my friends myspace comments(9:40:59 PM) Ryan: http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c63/ahme...lolslipknot.jpg(9:41:00 PM) Ryan: her?(9:41:28 PM) Ryan: haah ok i need to stop with these pictures(9:41:34 PM) Ryan: sorry but they are so funny(9:41:37 PM) Solidius: holy crap i don’t think its in her best interest to listen to death metal (9:41:50 PM) Solidius: with a face like that she has to get depressed a lot (9:42:36 PM) Ryan: heh(9:42:46 PM) Ryan: Get along with everyone at work?(9:42:54 PM) Solidius: yup (9:43:53 PM) Ryan: Ever consider cheating on your wife?(9:45:15 PM) Solidius: lol yes (9:46:16 PM) Ryan: Did you tell her?(9:46:59 PM) Solidius: im sure she knows just like i .... well this is not the place to discuss such things that have happened in the past.(9:47:38 PM) Ryan: i see(9:47:51 PM) Ryan: maybe we can save this for a more private talk, not something that is going to be posted online(9:48:08 PM) Solidius: yeah(9:48:34 PM) Ryan: How many kids do you have?(9:48:42 PM) Solidius: 2(9:49:03 PM) Ryan: awesome(9:49:09 PM) Ryan: they into games too?(9:49:47 PM) Solidius: my 5 yr old is starting to get into the wii (9:50:03 PM) Solidius: my 9 month old like to chew on my controllers(9:50:10 PM) Ryan: cute(9:50:20 PM) Ryan: you going to introduce them to 1emulation when they come of age?(9:50:48 PM) Solidius: of course hopefully there will be some emulation stuff to talk about then (9:51:44 PM) Ryan: yeah(9:51:56 PM) Ryan: what can we do to boost activity at 1emulation?(9:53:58 PM) Solidius: well unless one of us is developing some new stuff in emulation ,nothing much since emulation news is slow to nothing, we are becoming more of a social network forum rather than just emulation, nothing wrong with that (9:54:07 PM) Solidius: just the way it is for the time being.(9:54:41 PM) Ryan: yeah(9:54:51 PM) Ryan: i don't have a problem with the site(9:54:56 PM) Ryan: just wish it was more active(9:56:08 PM) Solidius: just look at the trend we are usually more active in the summer months when members are out of school and on vacation and such. right now members are busy with school and work (9:56:27 PM) Solidius: im swamped at work a lot but i make it a habit to visit the site everyday (9:56:38 PM) Solidius: its in my bones now (9:57:18 PM) Ryan: awesome(9:57:33 PM) Ryan: How did you find 1emulation?(9:57:57 PM) Solidius: when gc started the site he asked me to join (9:58:09 PM) Solidius: so i did (9:58:27 PM) Ryan: how did you two meet?(9:58:40 PM) Solidius: we met over at arcade@home (9:59:32 PM) Solidius: we were some of the many members getting sick of tim's bitchyness over there (10:00:44 PM) Ryan: what exactly went down over there?(10:02:17 PM) Solidius: i don’t remember most of it but he was banning peeps who didnt agree with his opinions, going buck wild with the ads on his page, doing some weird stuff with the download system (10:03:01 PM) Ryan: damn(10:03:03 PM) Ryan: what a tool(10:03:33 PM) Solidius: yep (10:05:00 PM) Ryan: What other forums do you frequent?(10:05:26 PM) Solidius: none anymore i used to go to neo cream (10:05:41 PM) Ryan: Yeah I miss that place so much(10:05:48 PM) Ryan: that and the 7words/2emulation(10:06:15 PM) Solidius: i miss 2 emulation my self (10:06:46 PM) Ryan: What do you think of this? http://a.pcb.lostcherry.com/74/51/91547/4139103507.jpg(10:07:14 PM) Solidius: just a pic of a guy (10:07:36 PM) Ryan: i always LOL when i see that picture(10:07:44 PM) Ryan: What kind of music do you like?(10:08:12 PM) Solidius: just about anything i have very eclectic taste when it comes to music(10:09:15 PM) Ryan: Favorite band/artist?(10:10:31 PM) Solidius: queen,aerosmith,nirvana,i used to like Dave Matthews till I realized all his songs were the same lol (10:11:06 PM) Ryan: really?(10:11:46 PM) Solidius: yup(10:12:14 PM) Ryan: Who annoys you the most at 1emulation?(10:13:17 PM) Solidius: hmmmmmmm that Jackson fella who just joined (10:13:27 PM) Ryan: how come?(10:14:41 PM) Solidius: he’s a bit of a punk he starts his time at one emu by making some rude comments about peeps in the show your section(10:14:55 PM) Solidius: picture section (10:14:57 PM) Solidius: sorry (10:15:02 PM) Ryan: its cool(10:15:07 PM) Ryan: yeah(10:15:15 PM) Ryan: i miss JenneyJennyJenny(10:15:36 PM) Solidius: lol I miss a few from the old days (10:16:10 PM) Ryan: Who is the funniest member at 1emulation?(10:17:23 PM) Solidius: I would say me buy im more funny in person than online but, i will give the honors to you and cinder(10:17:58 PM) Ryan: wow thanks(10:18:16 PM) Ryan: Which female member do you find most attractive?(10:18:22 PM) Solidius: bambi (10:18:35 PM) Ryan: besides me, i agree(10:18:50 PM) Solidius: sorry u aint got boobs (10:18:51 PM) Ryan: do you ever piss outside often?(10:19:03 PM) Solidius: lol no(10:19:11 PM) Solidius: not since i was a boy (10:20:23 PM) Ryan: Ever plan on hanging out with anyone form 1emulation in real life?(10:21:01 PM) Solidius: if i ever get a chance to travel i would like to hang with some peeps from 1emu (10:21:06 PM) Solidius: brb(10:21:30 PM) Ryan: ok(10:28:07 PM) Solidius: back(10:28:39 PM) Ryan: great(10:28:43 PM) Ryan: what did you do(10:28:45 PM) Ryan: ?(10:29:25 PM) Solidius: my son sounded like he was waking up (10:29:28 PM) Solidius: its my night to feed him (10:29:33 PM) Ryan: i see(10:31:00 PM) Ryan: How many hours a week do you work?(10:31:12 PM) Solidius: 50 or more (10:32:56 PM) Ryan: wow(10:33:01 PM) Ryan: what do you do exactly?(10:34:37 PM) Solidius: well now im in charge of customer relations and the disposition and return of defective and out of date devices for a retail chain (10:35:10 PM) Ryan: awesome(10:35:44 PM) Solidius: its a pain in the ass job but they pay me very well so i put up with it (10:35:50 PM) Ryan: sounds like a lot of work(10:36:02 PM) Solidius: it is (10:36:53 PM) Ryan: Have any pets?(10:37:05 PM) Ryan: brb(10:37:14 PM) Solidius: 1 dog (10:41:46 PM) Ryan: back(10:41:51 PM) Ryan: soryr friend called(10:42:05 PM) Solidius: well i gotta go now lol we can do a part 2 later sometime lol (10:42:11 PM) Ryan: ok for sure(10:42:14 PM) Ryan: thank you for the time(10:42:16 PM) Ryan: i appreciate it(10:42:21 PM) Solidius: no prob (10:42:33 PM) Solidius: that’s what friends do (10:42:33 PM) Ryan: have a good night and take care(10:42:37 PM) Ryan:
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